Page 98 of Kingdom of Wolves

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Page 98 of Kingdom of Wolves

“Are you coming to the meeting?”

“Yes, I’m waiting for Adam to come home. He’s been helpingput chairs out. Let’s get Brod and save Adam the walk home.” Summer calls Brod,and he tears down the stairs, landing in front of me with a huge grin on hisface.

The meeting doesn’t take long to get started, and I’msitting next to Brod in the first row at the end. I listen to Mayor Thomasspeak about the rogue attack on all the packs, but no one is aware as to whythey are attacking.

“I think all we can do is continue patrolling as we are. Wecan’t call for the shifter council to give us any extra help because we are nota pack. We’ll need to maintain the territory ourselves as we have been.” MayorThomas looks around the room and everyone is in agreement that we try to lookafter the town ourselves the best that we can. “Tatiana Winterstorm would liketo speak to you today. Please allow her to finish speaking before you interruptor throw questions.”

Taking to my feet, I step to the front of the meeting, lookaround, and see all the serious faces looking questioningly at me. “Good dayeveryone. As you all know, I’ve been asked since I came here whether I wouldbecome Alpha and establish a pack. I was only sixteen when I came here. Onlyjust got my wolf. It wasn’t the right time to make a decision as big as that.”Mumbles of agreement flow over the room, and I wait for it to quieten. “I’mnearly eighteen now, but I don’t think it’s only my decision to make, nottotally anyway. My wolf Ebony thinks it’s the right thing to do for you all andfor ourselves. We love the town, and you have all been so welcoming and helpfulsince I came here. I will agree to be either an Alpha, or Luna if I find mymate, for the town if we establish a pack, but you all need to vote as to whatyou want. I will not take the decision out of your hands; you need to tell mewhat you want for yourselves and the town.”

The mayor steps next to me. “We’ve all talked about this fornearly two years, so let’s just get to it. Raise your hands if you want TatianaWinterstorm to establish a pack, register with the shifter council and be theAlpha, until such time she finds her mate. At that time, we decide if we wanther mate to be our Alpha, while Tatiana remains our Luna.”

Summer and Adam stand, holding hands, and say ‘Yes’. Theroom quickly follows until every town member in the hall is standing, and thatis how I know I will establish a pack when I’m eighteen in just a few shortweeks.

Throwing my head back, I allow Ebony to give a long, lowhowl, which every member follows and with that, we create a bond that will notbe broken.



Heading out to patrol the border, I’m surprised when AlphaConnell appears at my side. “Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing is wrong. I’m coming along with you thismorning. I want to do a patrol and see for myself how the warriors are faringwith the uptick in training.”

“Okay, we are heading to the border with Spirit WalkerPack.” I shift and look back at Alpha Connell, waiting for his shift beforerunning through our territory to reach the border.

The sun isn’t up yet but the run will take us over three hoursand that’s running at a good speed. Phoenix loves the freedom of running theterritory and border and stretches his legs, giving over to him, I recedesomewhat and allow him this time.

We run through the sun rising and every now and again I turnto check Alpha Connell’s wolf Knight, Thomas’ Aspen, and three others arekeeping up.

Reaching the border, I shift and look around, scenting theair for any intruders. With nothing untoward, I turn to Alpha Connell. “We’llwalk this way for a while, stay alert and if anything happens, get to the back.Allow us to do what we need to keep you safe.”

“Gabriel, I know your intentions are good, and I also knowhow the pack has always worked, but I’m not my father and I will not hidebehind my warriors. Bladrick is my warrior partner this morning, and he’s nowone of my inner circle. We stand with our warriors and not behind them.”

Bladrick steps to the right side of Alpha Connell and givesme a look that tells me neither of them will stand down. Now knowing this, I givea small head tip, showing respect before turning and continuing along theborder.

We walk for over an hour with no incident, met the warriorson patrol as they passed by, and no sign of an intruder. Catching sight of twoSpirit Walker Pack warriors on the other side of the border, we stop and givethem a shout.

“Everything good on your side?”

One warrior I recognize as being a regular patrol warriorshouts in return. “Yeah. Nothing wrong here. What about you?”

“All good here.” I give a wave and continue walking, knowingwe’ll soon be along the border where we meet no-man’s-land.

Alpha Connell shifts and Knight growls low and deep in theback of his throat. Stopping and scenting, I get a slight tang of somethingrotten. Looking at Knight, it’s easy to see he is on edge and has sensedsomething. Bladrick shifts and Silver, his wolf, steps next to Knight.

Looking at Thomas, I give him the signal to get on the otherside of Knight. “Don’t shift, Thomas.”

We stand calmly and wait, scenting as the rancid smellnears. A large rogue steps from behind a grove of trees, and the way he isdrooling tells us all we need to know. The smell tells me he has gone past thestage of being saved, and it’s hard to tell if he was an Alpha or Beta, but hissize shows more than likely Alpha genes.

Before I can determine if the rogue will attack, Knightlunges forward with Silver right on his heels and attacks. Not able to get intothe skirmish without causing Knight or Silver an issue, both Thomas and I standand watch the two of them take down the rogue and put him out of his misery.

Folding my arms across my chest, I frown at Knight when hecomes walking back toward me. I know I should not be giving him attitude, buthe put himself in harm's way when three warriors were on hand to deal with therogue.

Shifting back Alpha Connell gives me a smirk, not lookingbothered that he’d stepped in front of warriors. “That was needed. Knight hasfelt useless since I took over as Alpha. It’s difficult sitting back andletting others do all the dirty work. I trained as a warrior, and I need tosometimes just be that warrior.”

I stand down as I understand what he means by that. It hasto be hard to lose who you have always been and be the person you have to stepup to be for the good of the pack.

“Let’s get the body thrown into no-man’s-land,” Thomas saysand Bladrick helps drag him to the border. Thomas gets him under the arms andBladrick has his ankles. They swing back and forth until they have enoughmomentum to let him fly over and well out of our territory.

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