Page 20 of When Life Sucks!
“How dare you hit me? I’ll have you arrested for assault.”
“Go ahead, try. Everything you’ve said is on the security feed. It will show you tried to hit me first and my reaction was self-defense. Now you either leave, and one day we may get our relationship back, or you continue as you are and we are fully done with no coming back from it.”
Turning, my mother storms out of the office, and Sadie pops her head in the door. “I’ll make sure she leaves the building.”
“Thank you, Sadie,” Ronald says as he grabs ahold of me and hugs me tightly.
The door opens again, and both Ronald and I giggle when we hear. “How many times do I have to tell you to leave my man alone?” Jeffrey, however, joins the hug before asking, “Why are we hugging? What’s going on?”
Taking our seats, I let Ronald fill Jeffrey in on all the information I’ve told him, and about the interruption of my mother's visit.
“You know, Alice. We always saw how disgusting your mother was, but you loved her and we honored that fact. But she is such a witch. You need to walk away now and let her grow up. She needs to support herself or find some schmuck to do it,” Jeffrey snarls.
“I know, and she has shown me her colors of late. She’s not been supportive over the Sacks thing, listening to her friend instead of her daughter. Hiding who my father was all this time, yet she has associated with a biker in the past, as I saw her with him. But anyway, let’s not dwell on it. So, what do you two need to tell me?”
“We purchased the building we told you about, and we’ll be leaving to set it up as an extra office for the business. You will be the manager here Alice, and the Camry will be here next week,” Jeffrey states and grins at the last.
“I had a feeling this was what you wanted to tell me. But if you are expanding the business, I understand why you are doing this. Maybe you’ll end up with a few offices and become tycoons.”
“You are not angry?” Ronald fidgets in his seat.
“No. I’m happy for you both, and I know you were thinking about doing this last year, then changed your minds. Go for it. I’ll keep the home fires burning.”
The rest of the day flies, and I answer texts from Jax, Beast, and Papa. They all three are doing so much to get to know me, and in turn, I get to know them.
Beast is possessive and proud. He’s worked hard all his life, and I know he had a hard time of it in the past after Jax was born, but he brought Jax up to be a good man.
Papa, I have a lot to learn about. He so far is showing me he’s a loyal brother to his club. A great uncle to Jax, and has lost a woman he wanted to marry. He admits he’s been a bit of a man whore but didn’t want to commit to anyone. Which makes me sad because he deserves to have someone to love him.
Jax…well, I don’t know too much about him, but I’m willing to learn. I’ve always fancied him, but now is my chance to find out if he was worthy of all my dreams, or if he’s going to be an enormous disappointment.
Later that evening, I’m watching a movie when I hear a bike outside. My heart speeds up thinking maybe Jax is visiting. Looking out of the window, I see a biker I don’t know sitting across the street studying my house. I duck away from the window, and now my heart is racing, but for a different reason. Fear is why it’s racing now.
Picking up my phone, I quickly dial, and Jax answers on the third ring, “Hi, Goldie, you okay?”
“There’s a biker outside my house. He’s across the street, but he’s watching my house.”
“Stay inside. Don’t answer the door. Lock any windows and doors you have open. I’m on my way.” Jax cuts the call, and I quickly rush around, checking everywhere is locked. Maybe I need to get a dog, a big dog that likes to eat people!
A thought pops into my head, which leaves me worrying. I was supposed to have a prospect watching me, and if I did, where is he?
Chapter 13
Running out of the clubhouse Bolt behind me shouting, “What’s wrong?” I don’t stop but shout back at him. “Alice is under threat.”
Tearing out of the compound with Bolt, Gunner, Beast, Black, Tank, Yam, and Rash on my heels, I don’t slow for anything, storming through lights, overtaking anything in my path.
Reaching Alice’s place, I see the biker taking off. He must have heard our engines, and with so many of us, he couldn’t miss it. Yam, Tank, and Gunner take off after him, the rest of us pull up in front of Alice’s apartment.
Black runs to the front door, banging on it hard. “Alice, open the fuckin’ door.”
Now, I’ve seen some things, but I’ve never, and I mean never, have I seen Black panicking. But he is in full-blown panic mode at this moment.
The door opens and Alice flies out, wrapping her arms around Black's neck, and hanging on. He wraps his arms around her waist and rocks her from side to side gently, giving them both the comfort they need.
“Are you okay?” I hear Black ask, and when she replies, “I’m okay, Papa,” we all sigh with relief.