Page 25 of When Life Sucks!
“Are all three of you good with your positions?” I ask because I know we were all somewhat railroaded.
‘Yeah,’ ‘Yep’, ‘I’m good.’ Nodding because that’s the response I expected from each of them.
“Lethal, I want you to go through every brother's information with Teckie. I want to know if any of them have any suspicious tendencies. We already had one traitor among us. I don’t want another one lying in wait to spring a trap or sell information about the club.”
“On it, Prez.” Lethal replies and leaves the office.
“Gunner, I want you to check out the club whores' rooms because brothers have reported things have gone missing. Like a watch, a roll of cash, and other shit. If we find one of them is stealing, then we make an example of them before kicking them out.”
“Call it done,” Gunner states as he tucks his phone into his cut and walks out of the office, whistling what you can only class as a dreary tune.
“Bolt, you can check out the list on the fridge. See who is supposed to be getting the groceries this week. In fact, check the list and see who has done their allotted chores for the week.”
“Will do,” Bolt quickly leaves the office, quietly closing the door behind him. I see a marked difference in his body language. He’s more relaxed and his shoulders are not drooping. I hope I’m not going to get worn down like he had been.
My phone buzzes and picking it up, I grin because it’s none other than Sting. “Yeah, what you got for me?” I ask as soon as I take the call.
“The dealer is done. You’ll not get any more trouble. His team of assholes are gone for good, if you know what I mean, or they took a healthy interest in relocating to another territory. We are done now. Call us even,” Sting states and I can hear relief in his voice.
“Yeah, I can call us even. But I reckon we can bury the animosity between our clubs. We are better to be allies than enemies.”
I hear muffled talking on the other end of the phone. Sting has obviously put his hand over the speaker of his phone while he has a word with his president.
“We are okay with being allies in the future,” Sting replies, and I can hear relief in his tone.
“Good.” Closing the call because I don’t want to be buddies particularly. I just want us to not be in an all-out war.
Two hours later, I’m parking my hog outside Alice’s Aunt Mais’ house. This has to be done to make sure that Alice finds peace with Mais and her mother, who will be next on my visit list.
Bolt is sitting easily straddling his hog. “You want company?”
Shaking my head, “Nope, I’m good, but if I need you, I’ll whistle.” Now, I’ve the loudest whistle that I think anyone may have heard. It was something I worked on, amusing myself as a teenager, and never lost the knack.
Walking up to the front door, I hammer my fist against the door. When it opens a woman shies back when she sees me, but I don’t care. I pass her and walk into the living room.
“Who are you? What do you want?” The panicking woman screams.
“Calm the fuck down. I’m here to speak with you about your daughter.”
“Melody, is she okay?”
“She’s fine. You know she lied about having a baby, don’t you? She was playing Sacks to fuck Alice up and get information on the club. She was a traitor to the MC because she already had an old man in another club. She was also using,” said with air-quotes, “which was the ultimate cause of her needing a good amount of cash. But, she’s not our trouble anymore, she’s left town. Taken up a new profession from what I heard. Just wanted you to know there is no point you keep looking here for her. But also you cause Alice any trouble, or even contact her anymore, and I will make sure you leave town and never come back.”
Her mouth is opening and closing, looking very like a goldfish, but I don’t give a shit, I just need my point made. I give her one last look and walk out of the house, giving Bolt a nod that we are moving on.
My next call is to Yvonne. She’ll not be expecting me. I’m positive about that. Black was going to visit her again, but he decided she could kiss his ass, as he didn’t need to know anything she had to say. He is too happy to have his daughter in his life, and he’s so positive that she is his that he’s not even having a DNA test.
Yvonne is as shocked to have me in her home as Mais was, but my thoughts are with and for Alice, not this woman who is supposed to be her mother.
“You listen to me and listen good. I’m Alice's man and I’m telling you that you stay the fuck away from her unless you can be supportive. She is not your cash machine that you can put a card in and ping, the money falls out. You’ve had years living off her hard work, and it's stopped now. You get a fuckin’ job and pay your own mortgage and utilities. She’s done, and I’ll make sure she stays that way.”
“You can’t come here and tell me what to do.” Yvonne throws herself into an armchair with shock written all over her face.
“I can, I will, and I did. I’m the President of the Rampaging Rioters MC and I’ll have the fuckin’ club on you if I need to, so don’t think of pissing me off.”
I don’t hang around for her reply. I walk out and give Bolt a nod that we’re done and quickly straddling my hog. I start her up, rev her a few times to let Yvonne know I’m not kidding around, then take off for the clubhouse.
Walking through to Teckie’s office, I lean on the doorframe, waiting for him to notice.