Page 3 of When Life Sucks!
“Nothing else to say then. He has himself a new old lady, whether he wants one or not. I will return the cut tomorrow and then the club and I are done. Now, leave or I’ll call the cops to have you removed.”
“You are making a mistake, Alice. Sacks doesn’t want Melody, he never did. When sex is involved, accidents happen at times, and he regrets this more than I can tell you…”
“GET OUT!” I scream. Gunner runs from where he’d been standing guard on the bikes and steps between me and Bolt.
Shaking my head as I give Gunner a disgusted look, I slam the door in their faces. After tomorrow, I hope it’ll be the last time I see any of them. As for Sacks and Melody, I hope they are very miserable together for years and years and years to come.
Chapter 3
Walking to the grocery store after work, I run through what I need in my mind. Apples, sugar, all-purpose flour, potato chips. I’m so busy thinking I am not looking where I’m going and bump into someone, bouncing off a hard body before I can veer out of the way.
A pair of hands grip my arms gently, stopping me from falling. Looking up to say thank you, I scowl instead when one of the club brothers is standing, giving me a crooked smile. “Be careful where you’re walking,” Tank says while still holding onto my arms.
I yank myself away from him. Keeping the scowl in place, I snap, “Thank you,” before quickly walking past and into the store.
“Alice!” I hear, but keep walking, grabbing a cart and pushing it quickly away from Tank, who is standing watching me.
Blowing out the breath I had been holding, I calm myself and think, ‘Get what you need, girl, and get out of here.’
My cart is a quarter full and I’m thinking it’s going to be too much to carry home if I get more. That has me deciding I’ll get this through the checkout and get myself home before I’m tempted to put more into the darn thing.
“Alice, how are you?”
Turning I see Belle, Jeanette, Sarah, and Bonnie. All old ladies of the club, and so-called family.
Ignoring them all, I turn back, staying my course with my cart to the checkout.
“Come on, Alice, speak to us.” I recognize Sarah’s voice, but ignore her and give the checkout clerk a smile that has to look like I’m gritting my teeth.
Noticing Bonnie getting closer, I half turn, giving her a lethal look as her hand stretches toward me to grab my wrist. “Touch me and see what happens. You all forgot I was supposed to be family. Now we are not, so don’t speak to me in the future. I'm not interested in what you have to say, or what excuse you have to give.”
Belle sniffles and I roll my eyes, letting her see I’ve done it, before paying the cashier and carrying my purchases out of the store and home.
The club truck is outside with Stone and Tank standing alongside. Lifting my shoulders back, chin up, I march past the best I can with my hands full and ignore the offer to drop me home.
Seems they all want to be friendly now they’ve been caught out, showing they are not really family, or if you think about it, not even good friends. I can live without them, that’s a certainty.
Home at last, I put away the groceries, grab a bottle of water, and throw myself onto the couch in the living room.
Knocking on the door has me sighing and heaving myself off the couch. Looking through the peep hole I smile when I see it is Mom.
Opening the door, I give Mom a beaming smile, but she pushes past and into the living room, turning and folding her arms across her chest.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, feeling more than a little worried as to what has rattled her cage.
“Did you steal Sacks from Melody? She was going out with him before you. Is that true?” Mom snaps.
“Is that her excuse? She is saying I stole Sacks from her? You know me better than to even ask me that question, and if you think that I am capable of being a man-stealing-whore as she is, then you need to leave.” My temper is rising, and I’m more than a little pissed that my mother would come here and ask me these questions.
“Melody told her mother that you stole Sacks from her, not the other way around. I need to know what the truth is.”
“The truth is, you need to leave. I am not explaining anything to you. You, as my mother, know me better than anyone, and if you have to ask me that question, then you value your friendship more than your daughter. Get gone. I’m done with everyone right now. Maybe I’ll speak with you soon, but for now, you need to leave.”
I storm over to the front door, throw it open, and when I see who is standing on the other side, I bunch my fist and throw my arm as hard as I can. It connects with Sacks’ chin, sending him back a few steps. I screech and hold my fist because that hurts.