Page 10 of First Time
“What happens if I punch my code into a room that has a red light?”
“It won’t work if it’s red.” The door opens and we walk in. The room has a shower, a cubby type closet thing, and a place to sit. There’s also a bathrobe hanging from a hook on the wall, and a bowl of condoms by another door.
“You come in here and undress,” she tells me. “You can use the robe or not. It doesn’t matter. We’ll assume it’s dirty when you leave. Depending on the invite, your partner may want you to enter first or last. Sometimes there are specific instructions.”
“Well, you could ask that your partner be on all fours when you enter the room or ask that they are bent over the bed.”
“I see.”
Christy goes to another panel on the wall. “When you’re ready, you put in your code. If you’re meant to be first into the room, the door will open.”
The door opens and we step in. There is a four-poster bed with what looks like satin sheets on it, along with another bowl of condoms.
“When you enter, it’ll be pitch black, aside from the little light coming from your entrance room. The door will close automatically, and then you’ll have thirty seconds to get into position before your partner’s door opens.”
“What if my partner is late?”
“Tardiness isn’t tolerated.”
I nod. Harsh.
“So, if it’s pitch black, how will I see what I’m doing?”
“Use your senses.”
That’s when it hits me. This room isn’t about sex, it’s about honing your god-given talents. Next, she takes me to the Play Room. I’ve heard about whips, chains, and a whole lot of other things, but I never saw myself as the type of man who would want to dress up like a dog and get spanked. To each their own.
“And finally, the Viewing Room. Well, one of the rooms. We’ve remodeled and have a couple of them now. The lights above the door let you know if you can go in or not. Red is obvious. Yellow means you can watch. Green means you can participate.”
“The person in here doesn’t mind if I participate?”
Christy looks at the tablet. “No, they don’t.”
Christy holds the door open and motions for me to go in. It’s a much bigger room, with a small stage, some tables, chairs, and . . . “Oh, my.”
There’s a man sitting on a chair with something in his mouth. His hands are tied behind his back and there’s a woman, bent over and staring at him. Behind her, another man . . .
“Uh . . . are they?”
“Yes, they’re fucking and he’s watching.”
“And if I had to guess, the man in the chair loves every second of it.”
“Th . . . okay. Wow.”
“I’m guessing you don’t watch porn much.”
I shake my head slowly. “I’m a virgin.” The words are out of my mouth before I can take them back, but Christy doesn’t react.Instead, we head back to her office, where I’m told I’ve passed all their tests.
“Which room?” she asks me.
“The Dark Room,” I tell her. “I want someone who will ride me. Do the work. Put my hands where she wants them.”