Page 27 of Pippin & Nacho
It took all my strength not to back away slowly and leave. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. No, I wanted to do this for Sam.
“Hey… Uhm, can you talk?”
His brows twitched into a furrow. “Er… I guess. Sure.”
Stone stepped aside to let me in. The bedroom was more furnished than the rest of the house, with a queen-sized bed on a metal frame, two worn nightstands flanked on either side, and they had an old dresser that had seen better days.
I sat on the edge of the bed, covered in a dark gray comforter and white sheets. Stone sat stiffly next to me, his folded hands wedged between his thighs, focusing on the blank wall in front of him. Maybe he wasn’t so terrifying, but shy.
“Stix isn’t here,” he said.
“Yeah, I know. It’s why I’m talking to you.”
He said nothing, making me doubt my rationality of being here and talking to Stone, of all people. I could wait for Stix, but I needed someone to talk to, and I didn’t want to wait until tomorrow or whenever I saw him again.
“Ugh… here goes,” I mumbled. “I need help with a personal matter.”
He nodded, still not looking at me. “Okay.”
“I need help on how to give a blow job,” I blurted as my face burned again, and so did Stone’s as his stiff body stiffened even more. “You and Stix are the only ones in a relationship, and I’ve never… ugh, done it before.” I ran a hand through my curls. “Fuck, this is so embarrassing.”
Stone nodded again, but he looked at me, this time with a tiny up curve to his mouth. “It really is.”
“Can you help me or not?” I huffed.
He rubbed his face with his hands as if trying to erase the redness there. “Shit, Nico had to teach me. I knew nothing about being with a guy until him. He really is the best person to ask about these things. Plus, he’s more comfortable talking about it than I am.”
“Well, he’s not here, and I’m kind of desperate.”
“Can’t you look it up online?”
“I have, but it’s basic. I want an actual point of view from a person who’s done it. I also don’t read so well.”
“What about the person you’re about to… try it with? Can’t you ask him?”
I shook my head. “He’s as clueless as I am. We’re both… virgins. Yeah, most guys have done it by now, but it is what it is.”
Thank fuck Stone didn’t laugh. I didn’t want to date or have sex with anyone else, so being a virgin had been a choice. I think Sam did, too, now that we’d confessed our feelings.
When Stone said nothing, I said, “Please, man. I’ll take any advice you can give.”
Stone’s body sagged. “Fine… God.”
“Trust me, I’m as embarrassed as you are.”
“Why are you in such a hurry and can’t wait for Stix to get home… Well, he’ll be gone all day because he works tonight, except to drop Nova back at home, and then he’ll be off to work.”
“Because I want to do this tonight. I’ve waited fucking years for this day.”
Stone’s hazel-green eyes grew wide, and his brows rose to his hairline. “You’re talking about Pippin?”
I chewed my bottom lip, unable to contain my smile, and nodded. I didn’t want to admit that because Sam was so private, but Stone guessed it regardless. Hell, all our friends already knew how I felt about Sam. “You’re the first to know, so please don’t tell anyone… not yet. I want to do it with Sam’s approval.”
He ran a hand through his dark hair. “Fuck, Nico’s gonna explode in happiness. Then I’m going to have to clean up the gore.”
I snorted a laugh, but needed to be clear with Stone that he told no one, not even Stix. “Please don’t tell Stix yet. Let me. He’ll be pissed if I don't confess to him personally.”
“You got it.”