Page 73 of Beau
Beau’s fingers encountered a floppy, wet ear. He grabbed it and pulled the animal toward him and into one arm.
Lady clawed at his shoulder, trying to get out of the water.
“Hey,” Beau spoke to the pup. “It’s okay. You’re going to be all right. Help is on the way.” At least, he hoped it was.
Kicking his feet to keep his head above water, Beau pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and clicked the button on the side.
Nothing. Which meant it no longer emitted a signal.
Remy was smart. He’d know to aim for the last location the finder app had located Beau’s phone.
Beau just had to stay afloat and not attract the attention of any resident alligators.
For the next few minutes, he remained in the air pocket beneath the skiff.
If Remy had mobilized soon after hanging up with Beau, he’d be on the bayou by now, making his way toward Beau.
When he arrived at the last location the app had seen Beau’s phone, Remy and his crew would see the skiff and look for the bodies.
Beau would be ready. He’d seen the first four numbers of the boat’s registration number following the LA for Louisiana. If he could find the owner, he might find Aurelie. Whatever they did, they had to hurry.
The hum of an engine vibrated through the water, growing louder.
“Sorry about this, kid,” Beau said to Lady. Holding her tightly in his arms, he dove down and came back up on the outside of the skiff.
An airboat approached, its massive fan roaring. It slowed as it neared. A floodlight blinked on, shining down on the water’s surface.
“Boyette! A voice called out.
Relief flooded through Beau. He raised his free hand. “Over here!”
The beam of light swung toward him, skimming across the water until it found him, blinding him with its intensity.
Beau kicked to keep his head above water, held Lady with one arm and shielded his eyes with the other.
The boat circled and sped toward him. As it neared, the driver kicked into reverse to bring it to a stop within a few feet of Beau and Lady.
Hands reached over the side.
Beau shoved Lady into a pair.
“What the fuck?” Gerard Guidry straightened, holding the wet animal out in front of him.
Lucas and Remy leaned over the side, grasped Beau’s wrists and dragged him up onto the deck of an airboat.
“Where’s Miss Anderson?” Remy asked.
“They rammed our boat, fished her out of the water and left, firing what appeared to be an AR-15 at me in the water.”
Lucas handed him a towel.
Beau dried his hands. “Get Swede on the phone. Now.”
Remy pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and called the Brotherhood Protectors computer guru, placing the call on speaker.
Swede answered immediately. “Did you find him?”
“Got Boyette here,” Remy said and handed Beau the phone.