Page 24 of Maliea's Hero
Not that he didn’t trust his teammates. Given his aversion to working with children because of his separation from his daughter, was he the right person to provide their protection?
Or was he the right person because he was a father and knew how devastating the loss of one’s child was to a parent?
Could he walk away?
“What’s wrong?” Maliea asked, her pretty brow forming a V over her nose.
Her question pulled Reid back to the present and away from a future he’d thought he’d wanted and was now unsure of.
“Nothing,” he said, focusing on the road ahead. “Hawk’s sending reinforcements.”
Her continued frown indicated she was concerned.
Reid chose to change the subject rather than attempt to explain himself when he couldn’t make sense of his feelings to begin with. “Did you get in touch with Tish about the car seat?”
Maliea nodded. “She’s going to leave the car seat in a shopping cart at my favorite craft supply store in thirty minutes.”
Maliea glanced up, meeting his gaze. “Is your boss sending your replacement?” she asked, her voice low so as not to carry to her daughter in the back seat.
“He is. Whether he’ll take my spot providing security for the film crew or take over your support, I don’t know. For now, you’re stuck with me.”
“I’m glad,” Maliea said. “There’s been so much change and strange people and places. I worry that someone will be upset if things don’t settle down soon.”
Reid cast a glance over the console to the little girl sitting behind her mother. His heart pinched hard in his chest at the dent in her little forehead.
“Are we going home now?” Nani asked, her gaze shifting from the scenery out the window to Reid’s face.
He quickly shifted his focus to the road in front of him and let her mother answer.
“Not yet, sweetie,” Maliea said. “I have some errands to run first. You get to come with us.”
“Okay,” Nani said with a yawn. “But I miss my bear. Do you think he misses me?”
Maliea met Reid’s glance briefly. “I’m sure he does, but we’re going to see Granny Annie. She misses you even more. And she has coloring books for you.”
“Yay,” Nani said and yawned again. “Will we be there soon?”
“Yes, we will,” Maliea said. “Close your eyes for a few minutes, and we’ll be there.”
“Okay, mama,” Nani said from the back seat. “Wake me when we’re there.”
“I will, baby,” Maliea said softly.
In the rearview mirror, Reid could see Nani close her eyes and lean her head back against the seat. Soon, her head tipped sideways, and then her body slumped over. The child was asleep.
Warmth spread through Reid’s chest. He wished he could find a car seat so Nani wouldn’t have to slump over or be in danger should they have an accident. He’d work on that right after their visit to the university.
“What is your little girl like?” Maliea asked quietly. When he didn’t respond immediately, she added, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
Reid stared at the road ahead, his thoughts going back to his last visit with Abby. He’d gone to California for the two weeks he was supposed to have with his daughter.
“She has blond hair and blue eyes,” he said.
“Well, she obviously didn’t get the blond hair from you,” Maliea said with a smile. “But the blue eyes...” She leaned forward in her seat.
“Are mine,” he said. “My ex has blond hair and hazel eyes. Abby’s are baby blue.”