Page 49 of Maliea's Hero
“Good,” her father’s frown eased. “As long as we all agree. Now, what’s this big news you didn’t want to tell me?”
Maliea almost laughed out loud. The man might run a multimillion-dollar operation, but he was missing the obvious with his daughter.
Kalea looked up into her husband’s eyes. “You tell him.”
Hawk dropped a kiss onto her lips first, then faced her father. “Sir, you’re going to be a grandfather.”
“Damn right, I am,” Mr. Parkman said. “Soon as you two get busy and give me a grandchild.”
Kalea shook her head. “Daddy, that’s what we’re trying to tell you.” A smile spread across her face. “We’re going to have a baby.”
Mr. Parkman stood for a moment completely gobsmacked, his jaw slack, his brow wrinkled. “Don’t pull your old man’s chain. This isn’t something you joke about.” His eyes filled with tears. “You aren’t joking, are you?”
Kalea shook her head. “I’m three months along. We’re having a baby in six more months.”
Tears slipped down the older man’s weather-worn cheeks. He brushed them aside and went to his daughter, pulling her into a tight hug. “Your mother would’ve been so happy.”
She hugged him back, tears welling in her eyes.
Maliea blinked back tears of her own. When she turned to look for Reid, he was behind her, laying Nani in the bed and tucking the sheet and blanket around her. He bent and pressed a kiss to her forehead and straightened.
When he turned to find her watching him, he grimaced. “Sorry. It’s a habit. I kiss Abby’s forehead when I tuck her in at night.”
“Please. Her father rarely showed her affection,” she smiled at him, then at her daughter. “I find it endearing. You me, love my daughter.” When she realized what she’d said, her cheeks burned. “Not that I expect you to love me. It's just a saying. Forget those words that just came out of my mouth.” She turned away. “I’ll just slink back into the other room and pretend I don’t exist. How embarrassing.”
Hands gripped her shoulders from behind.
Reid turned her to face him. “Don’t be embarrassed. You’re tired, and you’ve had a rough few days. You’re allowed to be a little confused.”
She leaned her forehead against his chest. “Thanks.”
“I’ve only known you a short while, but I’ve already noticed that there’s a lot to love about you. Don’t sell yourself short. And don’t settle for a man who won’t show you and Nani the kind of love you deserve.”
Maliea looked up into Reid’s eyes, her heart beating faster, her chest swelling with appreciation for this man who’d taken up the gauntlet to protect her and Nani. Taylor never would have spoken words like that to her.
Reid was nothing like Taylor, and he was just what she needed at that moment. She had to remind herself not to get too used to him. He was her bodyguard, not her boyfriend or lover. When she and Nani were safe again, he’d move on to the next client.
Don’t get too attached to the man.
Reid pressed a brief kiss to her forehead. “Let’s get a sandwich. You didn’t eat your burger earlier.”
“Are you sure she’ll be all right?”
“She slept on the drive, the flight and the drive to the ranch house without waking. I think she’ll be all right for a few minutes. We can go down, make our sandwiches and come back up to eat them in the fancy sitting room if you like.”
Maliea nodded. “I’d like that.”
“Or...” he said with a dramatic pause, “we could eat them out on the balcony. If the stars are still out, I believe we’ll have a view of Mauna Kea.”
“I’d love that. I’ve never seen the mountain in the starlight.” Seeing it with Reid would make it even more special.
Careful, girl. You’re not looking for a man, and he’s not looking for a package deal.
No matter how much she coached herself, she couldn’t help the thrill of excitement coursing through her at the thought of star and mountain-gazing with the handsome Navy SEAL.
Maliea was getting in way too deep and far too fast. Had she been that starved for affection and attention?