Page 67 of Maliea's Hero
She frowned. “I must have been really tired.”
He shook his head. “You had surgery. The knife wound resulted in some internal bleeding. They went in laparoscopically and plugged the holes. Thankfully, none of your important organs were damaged. They’ll probably let you leave later today.”
“Nani?” she asked.
“Is still on the Big Island with Mr. Parkman and Kalea. She misses you but has discovered a new love of horseback riding.” He chuckled. “She wants you to buy her a pony.”
“Not only can I not afford to purchase a pony, but I also can’t afford to keep it,” Maliea closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Could you break the news to her? I can’t.”
“You don’t have to. Hawk and Kalea offered to let you and Nani stay with them whenever you like. Nani can ride her favorite pony every time.”
“They don’t understand,” Maliea said, refusing to open her eyes to the glare of the overhead light. “I can’t fly us out to visit every month when I can barely afford to pay rent.”
“You know, you wouldn’t have to worry about paying rent if you got a roommate.”
“My friends all have roommates.”
“Hey,” Reid said. “Look at me.”
Maliea turned toward him and opened her eyes.
“I’m trying to tell you I need a roommate,” Reid said. “My work takes me away often, and I need someone to water my plants and look after my dog.”
“You have a dog?” Maliea frowned. “You never said you had a dog. Nani’s been asking for one since she turned two. I keep telling her it’s too hard to keep a dog while living in an apartment.”
He cupped her cheek, then met and held her gaze. “Focus, woman.”
Her brow wrinkled. “What kind of dog do you have?” she asked.
He laughed. “Whatever kind of dog you and Nani want. I’m trying to ask you and Nani to come live with me.”
Her frown deepened. “Where?”
“I don’t know. We’ll find a house with a yard so Nani can have a dog and a sister when Abby comes to visit.”
Hope swelled in her chest before she could remind herself they didn’t know each other very well. “Are you serious?”
“As serious as sin.”
“We don’t know each other. I didn’t even know you had a dog.”
His lips twitched. “I don’t. I think you’re still loopy from anesthesia.”
“I think you’re loopy from lack of oxygen. How long were you underwater fighting that man?”
“Long enough.”
“Was he that Mark Laster guy who was listening outside the cabin?”
Reid nodded.
“Who was the woman?” Maliea’s eyes widened. “Did she live? Please tell me she did. I’ve never killed someone before.”
“She lived, and she’s your favorite Teacher’s Assistant.”
“That was Heather?” Maliea’s head spun. “I was willing to forgive her for taking my husband. He wasn’t the right one for me. But she’s turning out to be a major pain in my side.” A twinge of pain made her wince. “Was she using Taylor and my father to find the treasure?”
Reid nodded. “Swede traced the payment to Laster to an account in the Cayman Islands. After digging deeper through the maze of corporations associated with the account, he came up with an owner, Jonathan Walters, a ruthless businessman known for hostile takeovers and his slash-and-burn policy of buying companies, then stripping them down to the bone and selling them.”