Page 51 of Emperor of Wrath
She inclines her head gracefully, as if reading my mind. “Still getting used to the whole ‘I have a half-sister’ thing,” she shrugs. “I’m better with Fumi if we’re just one-on-one. You know?”
“Well, you’re just in time for the fun part,” Freya grins. “We’re trying to figure out what trouble to get up to now.”
Kenzo’s sister grins. “I might have an idea.” She clears her throat and turns to me. “I don’t know you,” she says frankly. “I mean, no offense, and dress shopping was fun and all, but I don’t. Not really.”
I shrug. “Fair.”
“Well.” She grins slyly. “I always say there’s only one real way to get to know someone.”
Freya frowns. “Which is…?”
Hana grins. “Karaoke.”
Freya snorts a laugh. I arch a brow. “Think we can bring our shadows?” I mutter darkly, nodding my chin at the black SUV parked a half block away. Kir’s never mentioned having people tail us post-lockdown. But, come on. I’m not an idiot.
Hana shrugs. “We could.” She winks at us. “Or we could…lose them?”
Obviously, we end up going with option B. And obviously, it’s a resounding success.
An hour later, with Kir’s men successfully ditched, the three of us are at an insane Karaoke bar in K-town. I’m not drunk-drunk, because I like to hit a certain point and stop there, but I’ve had a nice buzz going since dinner, and I have to say, though I’ve never previously been a big karaoke fan, I’m having a blast.
Hana is truly amazing. Frey has gotten over her hilarious girl-crush on her, and the two of them are getting along famously as we head downstairs to the main bar and lounge area for another round of drinks.
We’re waiting for the bartender, when Freya—who is fairly tipsy—turns to us with a grin.
“Let’s play secret talents.”
Hana arches a brow. “What?”
I groan. “Frey and I play this game all the time. But it’s a little dumb because we already know each other’s secret talents.”
Hana laughs and then shakes her head. “I envy you guys. I don’t have many friends, especially not girlfriends.” She makes a face. “Way too many psycho brothers.”
“Well, here’s your invitation to play,” Freya giggles. “Spill. What’s your secret talent?”
Hana blushes as she hides her face in her hands. “Okay, it’s…dumb. And embarrassing…”
Freya hoots. “All the more reason to share, lady!”
I grin at her. “C’mon.”
Hana sighs. “Fine, fine. Okay. So… I can do a shot without using my hands.”
Freya and I erupt in laughter and calls of “prove it!”
Hana groans, hiding her face again as the bartender comes back over with our drinks. “Actually, can I get a shot of tequila with that?”
The bartender nods, grabs a shot glass, pours the tequila, and slides it in front of Hana. She glances at us, her face flushed as she cringes with embarrassment. “Okay, buckle up.”
She pulls her blonde hair back with both hands and leans forward. Freya and I watch stunned as her lips wrap around the rim of the shot glass in—not gonna lie—a pretty suggestive way. She holds back her grin as she lifts her head, jerks it back, and downs the shot, her throat working to swallow with her lips still wrapped firmly around the glass. Then she lowers the empty glass, still with just her mouth, before popping back up with a fanfare.
Freya and I hoot and holler.
“Holy shit!” Frey laughs.
“Okay, that was?—”