Page 30 of Rufus
“You’re leaving soon, hm?” he repeated dryly. “A sudden decision, was it?”
“Not at all.” She kept her chin high. “If you know my work record, and I know you do, then you’ll realize that it’s simply time for me to move on.”
“Hm,” he murmured, his eyes narrowed. “Have you had any interesting visitors this morning?”
Molly turned away from that piercing gaze. “We’ve had lots of visitors. I think most of the dogs will have new owners, the hamster too, and the cats and kittens have multiple people wanting them.” She knew she was rambling, but there was something odd about the way Rufus continued looking at her. As if he knew… “I kept Angus back for you as you said you might want to take him,” she added with feigned brightness.
“Thank you. I’ve decided I will be adopting him.” He touched the top of the dog’s head as Angus still sat beside him, doggy tongue hanging out as he gazed up at Rufus adoringly.
Molly wished she could do the same.
Maybe not so much with her tongue hanging out, but she certainly wished she didn’t have to wrap this armor of coldness about her emotions in order to successfully push Rufus away.
“When I said interesting visitors,” Rufus continued. “I wasn’t referring to people wanting to adopt the animals,” he encouraged.
Molly’s heart started pounding so loudly against her rib cage, she was sure Rufus must be able to hear it. “What other visitors could there be?”
He stepped closer to the desk, still keeping her pinned in place with the intensity of his gaze. “I can detect the scent of a heavy and very expensive perfume in the room. One that should be worn by an older woman, and one I know you wouldn’t wear even if someone gave you a bottle of it.”
“Are you calling me cheap?” she teased.
“Drop the mask, Molly.” His tone had softened to gentle reproval. “And tell me who else visited here this morning.”
“More precisely,” he cut in. “Who visited you specifically this morning?”
Rufus knew from the way Molly’s gaze shifted from meeting his and the forced smile that now curved her lips, while the expression in her eyes remained guarded, that she was about to lie to him.
Just as he had guessed the cloying perfume he’d smelled the moment he entered the building to be one that the sophisticated Serena Jenkins would wear.
Telling him that he was too late to break the news gently to Molly regarding her mother still being alive and currently in London.
Serena Jenkins had already been here and announced her own presence.
Why she should have done so now, when it seemed she’d had no interest in contacting her daughter during the past seventeen years, he had no idea.
Rufus only knew, without a doubt, that seeing her mother again was now the reason for the pallor of Molly’s cheeks.
The fact she appeared to be reluctant to share that meeting with him, or its reason, but was instead doing everything she could to push him away, was what puzzled him. Yes, they were still new together, but surely last night meant they could talk to each other?—
“Last night was a mistake,” Molly bit out as if reading some of his thoughts. “I agree with you now. You’re far too old for me.”
“Really?” Rufus wasn’t going to lie to himself, that hurt.
It also alerted him to the fact Molly was being deliberately cruel in what seemed to be an effort to put a distance between them.
Again, he had no idea why.
She gave an abrupt nod. “I need someone who is at the same stage in their life as me and wants the same things I do. To travel, perhaps.” She shrugged. “Also, someone who isn’t afraid of romance, something you’ve already told me you aren’t interested in.”
“I don’t recall saying I was afraid of romance…”
She glared at him. “I’m trying to be kind about this.”
“Is that so?” he debated skeptically. “Because you sound as if you’re being deliberately fucking insulting to me.”