Page 65 of Come Fly with Me
“How’s it going at your parents’ house?” Jake asks and I can hear him shuffling around in the cockpit. I can practically picture him gathering his things and getting ready to exit.
“Oh, as good as can be expected. I made the mistake of telling them I was dating someone and they’re a bit more interested than I would like.”
“You admitted you were dating someone? Holy shit, knock me over. I figured that would be something that would be saved for our own private conversations.”
“You’re a shithead, Jake.”
“You love it, Taylor,” he says, my name a murmur on his tongue, a sensuality to it that makes my body buzz.
“I do and I would think you’d want to wait until you get back to your hotel room to get me all hot and bothered. I’m about to crawl into bed…naked.”
“Don’t tease, Taylor. I’m not where this can happen,” Jake warns, but all it does is add fuel to my fire.
“But Jake,” I whine, letting out a low moan as I wet my lips. “I’m lonely and horny and just hearing your voice makes my panties…”
“Taylor!” my mother’s shrill voice calls out, the bedroom door swinging open as I chuck the phone onto the bed.
“Jesus Christ! What, Mom?” I’m practically panting, my heart slamming into my chest and I’m pretty sure this surge of adrenaline is going to register on my FitBit as exercise. It may have even pushed my heart rate up to heart attack level.
“Your dad and I are going to bed,” she says, as if her shouting my name seems like the appropriate way to tell me this.
“Okay, I’ll see you in the morning. My flight leaves at eight, so I need to be gone by six.”
“We’ll be up. And tell the boy you’re talking to that we said hello.”
“Good night, Mom.”
Why the hell is it like I’m living my teenage years all over again? I’m staying in a hotel next time I’m in town.
I run a hand through my hair, my heart rate finally returning to normal when I remember I tossed Jake onto the bed and left him there.
I scramble for my phone, flopping down on the bed as I grab it. “Jake?”
“Yep, I’m still here.”
“Did you hear all that?” I can feel the flush creeping up my neck and spreading to my cheeks, and even though he can’t see me, my eyes are still scrunched closed.
“I did and you can tell your mum I said hello too.”
“Damn it,” I mutter, but it makes Jake laugh a little. “Why don’t you call me when you get to your hotel, and you can fill me in on your flight?”
“I can already fill you in on my flight. It was long and boring without you.”
“Are you always this perfect?” I ask, wondering how in the hell I scored this guy because he sure had his pick of every flight attendant at Crescent Airways.
“I thought we were past the questions, beautiful girl?”
I switch gears because the further we get into this conversation the more likely it is that it will take a turn toward serious and I’m not sure I’m ready for that.
“A little birdie told me that you showed up at a certain Santa Monica Airport hangar. Trying to impress a girl?”
“She can’t keep a secret, can she?” Jake lets out a mock exasperated sigh. “I’m not trying to impress a girl at all. I’m trying to figure out how she manages it all. Trying to learn from the best because one day I hope to be as headstrong and independent and successful as she is.”
I fall silent, his words sinking in, filling my head and settling themselves in my heart.