Page 8 of The Bad Man
“Yes, of course,” Mia tells him, and I wonder if he knows she just came all over my hand. As if reading my mind, her eyes meet mine before she says, “We were just getting started.”
I lick my lips and grin back at her, ready for the next time we can be alone.
Chapter Seven
As I tie the green ribbon in my hair, my first thought is of Jamison. Who am I kidding? I can’t do anything without thinking of him. Not for the first time I wonder if there’s something wrong with me. I shouldn't be this obsessed.
When I cinch the ribbon, I try not to analyze that I chose this color because I know he doesn’t have it. Will he want this one too? And if so, how is he going to steal it from me? The anticipation makes my nipples harden. I’m not sure I’ll get to be alone with him again. At least not for a while.
“Mia!” Emily shouts before swinging my bedroom door open without knocking. I’m starting to miss living in my dorm. Even though I had to share my room, they weren’t as intrusive as Emily can be. I’m supposed to have my own space here. Personal space, however, is not a concept Emily is aware of.
“Can’t you knock? What if I was undressed?”
"We're both nurses, and I've seen it all." Emily tosses a package at me, and I catch it. As it lands in my hands, a book falls out and hits the floor.
“You opened my mail?” I try to keep the irritation out of my voice, but I’m not sure I’m able to.
“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” Emily shrugs; her expression reveals no remorse. “That’s some kinky shit you got there.”
I bend down and grab the book. “So you opened my mail and then went through it?”
She looks me up and down as if reassessing something. “I didn’t think you’d be into that kind of shit.”
“It’s just a book,” I say defensively. I'm not sure whether I'm into it or not. I've always gravitated toward darker romances, but everyone has their favorite tropes. Just because I also enjoy a secret baby romance doesn’t mean I want to get knocked up. Right? Well, maybe it’s better not to go there.
“Really? It’s a kinky-ass book with a hero that’s over the top with his obsession.”
“How much did you read?” I know how the hero is. I’ve read Dracula: The Story of D a dozen times in my life. It’s one of my favorites.
The hero can’t function without the heroine. He’ll leave nothing but death and destruction in his wake if someone tries to keep her from him. It’s beyond messed up, but it’s fiction, and that makes it okay. Until the reader begins to yearn for it.
“It might have come yesterday.” Emily shrugs before leaning against my bedroom door. Of course it came yesterday. “If you’re into that kind of stuff, I know a club.”
“A club?” I sit down on the edge of my bed to put my shoes on.
“A sex club.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.
“Ah, I’m not sure about that.”
“Think on it. You’d be a big hit.”
“Really?” The word is out of my mouth before I can stop it. I don’t know if I’d ever be comfortable going to a sex club, but why would she think I’d be a big hit?
“You’re a virgin, right?” Heat rushes to my face, giving her the answer. “That’s what I thought.” She laughs, and it’s clearly directed at me.
“I’ve got to go.” I grab my book and shove it into my work bag.
“Your shift isn’t for another hour.”
“I’ve got to run some errands,” I lie.
“What kind?”
Jeez, what’s with all the questions? “I’ll see you later,” I respond because I don’t want to answer her.
When I exit our apartment, I use the stairs. The last time I got on the elevator, I accidentally bumped into Dr. Crane. I don’t need him asking me a million questions today either. Especially where I’m going. The library might not sound like a strange place to visit, but the reason I’m going isn’t exactly innocent. I may also be a little paranoid because I don't want to do this on my own computer.