Page 30 of Sinful Sacrifice
I gasp, covering my mouth with my free hand, and instantly regret my dramatic response. Damien doesn’t need theatrics. He needs comfort.
When he came over two nights ago, it wasn’t for sympathy. There was so much sadness and pain on his face that it was almost hard to look at. But it was nothing compared to the fury that started to take over his expression.
People grieve in many ways.
Some cry, displaying their sadness.
Others throw themselves in work, projects, anything to get their mind off their grief.
But men like Damien?
Violence is their coping mechanism.
I release my hold from his and crawl onto his lap. “Damien, I’m so sorry.”
He opens his arms, allowing me to get comfortable, and grips my waist. My chest rises and falls as I slowly drop a kiss on his mouth. He rolls his tongue between his lips before sliding it along mine. I open for him, allowing it to slip into my mouth.
Our kiss doesn’t last long until he rears his head back, cups the back of my head, and shoves his face into my neck. His breathing is heavy along my exposed neck before he starts raining slow kisses over my skin.
He flexes his hips upward, and I shut my eyes when he squeezes my waist before gliding me until I’m grinding against his growing erection.
As he sets a slow pace, I unbutton his shirt and slide it off his shoulders. He roams his fingers under my dress and up my thighs. I continue the pace he set for me.
But just like last time we were on this couch, I want more of him.
I lower my hands to his lap, cupping the outline of his dick, and unbuckle his belt. I freeze when he stops me.
Our eyes lock as he keeps us in place.
“I will kill those men,” he flat-out tells me, no bullshit. “Before you ride my cock, I want you to know who I am, who you’re getting involved with.” He removes his hand from mine on his lap and uses it to cradle my face. “Tell me, my sweet dancer, are you okay with giving yourself to a demented soul like me?”
“Are you okay with giving yourself to a demented soul like me?”
Those aren’t the most romantic words a girl wants to hear before sleeping with a man.
But I have to give it to Damien for his honesty.
While his question teetered on the morbid side, I wish other men would do the same.
If only my exes had said:
Are you okay with giving yourself to a man who sends nudes to his cousin?
Or …
Are you okay with me moving to college and sleeping with an entire sorority to win a bet with my frat brothers?
While Damien might’ve asked if I was okay with giving myself to him, it feels like he’s almost asking for my soul.
He’s also giving me an out. The opportunity to deny him, not take his hand and follow him into his world of darkness.
Too bad that’s exactly what I want to do.
Get to know him.
See his world.