Page 58 of Sinful Sacrifice
“Asshole,” I mutter, kicking a rock on my way home.
I feel like people are coming at me from everywhere.
My father, asking for money, favors, and access back into Lucky Kings.
My mother, wanting to rant about my father and help me figure out a way to open a new studio.
Cernach, who wants me to become a Mafia-ordered bride.
I won't be the one who pushes Damien and me apart. It’ll be the forces around us.
Damien has slept over every night since our dinner date, though he pleads with me for us to crash at his place. But sometimes he’s back late at night, and other times, it’s early morning. His schedule is chaotic.
He attended another one of my shows, this time with my knowledge. It didn’t make me nervous. It actually did the opposite, making me feel a sense of pride. Although now, I have Alex asking me hundreds of questions about our relationship.
When I make it back to my apartment, two men are standing in front of my door. One has a serious case of bad odor, and the other’s eyes are so bloodshot that I’m surprised he can see.
As soon as I see them, I attempt to turn around and flee.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” red-eyed guy says, grabbing me by my braid.
He jerks me back, and I fall on my ass.
I try to fight the man off my hair, but he only tightens his hold on me and slaps me in the face with his free hand. He’s holding my braid so tight that it hurts my scalp.
“You Paul Elsher’s daughter?” the other guy asks.
“Nope.” I’m not in the mood for this shit.
He retrieves a gun from his pocket and points it at me. My breathing becomes shallow as I continue to struggle with the man.
“The bitch is lying,” the man holding me snarls. “I saw pictures of her in his wallet.”
BO guy stoops to my level. “Where’s your father, cunt?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say, grimacing at the pain.
The man finally loosens his grip on my hair, and I manage to break out of his grasp. He doesn’t attempt to grab me again, but he does block me from running down the stairs.
“Go away, or I’m calling the cops,” I warn, raising my voice in hopes that someone will hear us.
BO guy chews on a toothpick and laughs. “Word is, you pay your dad’s debts for him. Since we can’t reach your father, we’re here to collect the payment from you.” He motions toward my door. “You can either give us the cash he owes or I’m sure we can come up with other ways you can pay it off.”
The other laughs, and they exchange creepy smiles.
I take this moment to ram my knee into his balls. He screams, falling to his knees, and I jump over him. Red-Eyes grabs the strap of my bag, attempting to drag me back, but I shrug my purse off. As bad as I don’t want them to have my shit, I don’t want to be around them more.
I run outside and stop the first person I see on the sidewalk. The man removes his headphones from his ears and raises a brow.
“Can I”—I struggle to catch my breath and bend at the waist. Maybe Damien had a point with all these stairs—“use your phone?”
The guy laughs. “Good one. I’ve already had that trick pulled on me and got robbed.”
“I’m serious,” I say, tears gathering in my eyes.
“Sorry, find someone else.” The guy plugs his headphones back in and mutters something as he walks away.
I turn at a car door slamming. The man who escorted me to Damien’s office, Emilio, comes charging in my direction.