Page 32 of The Rebound Play
“Isn’t that kind?” Clara says.
Hannah looks up from her coloring. “Do I get one too, Dan?”
“You sure do. Catch.” He throws a jersey to Hannah, who catches it in both hands.
I pull the plastic off and hold the jersey up. It’s mostly white with light blue accents, at the collar and cuffs. The sleeves have bold red stripes running across them, and there’s a matching red stripe across the chest. The center features a logo with “Ice Breakers” written in bold letters, surrounded by a graphic of a shattered ice puck.
“Aren’t they great?” Clara asks. “I’ve already got mine on.” She pulls the blanket from her shoulders to reveal the same jersey as I’m holding in my hands. “I put it on while you were in the kitchen, unchaperoned.”
Nope, I’m still not going to bite. I’m too busy reading the number and name on the back of the jersey.
29. Roberts.
I look from the jersey up into Dan’s eyes. He’s smiling at me, his eyes soft, just the way I remember them back when we were dating in high school. He had a way of looking at me that made me feel safe, like I was the most important person in the world to him. He’s giving me that look right now, and it takes me back to the way we were when we were one another’s everything, the way I always thought we’d be together, even after we broke up.
What did I know?
“It’s your number,” I murmur, my throat dry.
“It’s your birthday. February ninth,” he confirms.
If ever I was looking for a clear sign that Dan feels the same way about me as I do about him, this is it. At least that’s what I’m telling myself for the minute. I’m sure I’ll talk myself out of it pretty soon as it would be too good to be true. My birth date as his number.
“But—” I’m totally lost for words. It’s such a sweet gesture. Bold, in fact. He’s telling everyone that he remembers me. That I was important to him. That perhaps I’m important to him still.
“I hope you’ll wear it,” he says.
“Of course she’ll wear it! Aunt Kiki loves you!” Hannah says, and my heart leaps into my mouth as I turn and gawk at her.
I glance at my sister. Clara’s eyes are the size of our dinner plates, just as I bet mine are, too.
“Wh-what did you say?” I stutter, barely hearing my words over the thudding of my heart.
I don’t look at Dan.
“You love him,” Hannah says simply.
I blink at her in shock. Is this one of those “out of the mouths of babes” situations here, or is my niece way more emotionally astute than I’ve ever given her credit?
“What do you mean, honey?” Clara asks.
Hannah looks between us. “Aunt Kiki loves Dan,” she repeats, shrugging, and if the ground could swallow me whole right about now, I’d be very grateful. “Everyone loves Dan the Man,” she clarifies.
I hadn’t even realized I was holding my breath until air comes whooshing out of my lungs in utter relief. Hannah doesn’t know anything about how I feel about Dan, and she hasn’t just blurted my innermost secret to the one man who can never know how I really feel.
Unless … I look down at the number on the jersey in my hands. Unless he feels it too?
“You’re our hometown hero. That’s what Ms. Marshall said at school,” Hannah continues. “She said everyone will be wearing your number at the first game because we all love you.”
“You’ve got that right, honey,” Clara says, darting me a look.
Benny comes crashing into the room, his stick whacking against the door frame.