Page 40 of The Rebound Play
“He’s young and got a lot to prove. We were all a little like that at one time.”
Throwing his gear in his trunk, he leans against his car, crossing his arms against the cold. “What’s with you and your ex?”
I arrange my features carefully. “What do you mean?”
“Emmy said something about how people are talking about you guys.”
I raise my brows in deflection. “My sister said that to you, huh?”
Dawson grins at me. “Yeah, we’ve been hanging out a little. She’s cool.”
“She is. She’s the best.” I narrow my eyes at my friend.
“Is now when you give me your ‘be careful with my sister’ speech? ’Cause you don’t need to do that. I know she’s special.”
I pinch my lips together. “She is.”
“But don’t think I didn’t notice that you totally avoided answering my question, man. You and your ex. Are you two hooking up? What’s the deal?”
“We’re not hooking up. I would never do that to Kiki. She’s too—” I search for the right word to use.
Dawson raises his chin as he watches me, a knowing look on his face. “Oh. Right. It’s like that.”
“Like what exactly? I haven’t said a word.”
“You’re in love with the girl,” he says simply with a shrug, taking me by surprise.
Of course I’m in love with Keira. I’ve never not been in love with her. I’ve carried her in my heart since the day we met, my constant companion, my everything.
“I don’t see you denying it.”
I look him directly in the eye. “You’re right, I’m not denying it.”
“So? What are you gonna do about it, man?” Dawson prompts.
I clench my jaw. I’ve been so busy walking on eggshells around her, searching for any sign that she feels something for me still after all these years. Waiting. Hoping.
“I’m going to show her just how much she means to me,” I say.
Forget waiting and wondering, hoping and praying. I need to act. I need to show her what she means to me.
I know what I want to do. What I need to do, and I need to do it right now.
Determined, I open the door to my SUV and get inside, slamming the door behind me. As I turn the ignition, Dawson knocks on the window.
I press the button to lower it.
“What the heck? You can’t just leave in the middle of a conversation,” he says on a laugh.
“I’ve made my mind up. I’m going to tell Kiki how I feel.”
He raises his brows. “That you love her?”
I nod, a smile busting out on my face. “That I love her.”
Dawson raises his hands in the air, stepping back from my car. “Far be it for me to stand in the way of true love.”
True love.