Page 55 of No Love Lost
Addy whipped her head up to see Heath’s reaction. He shook his head at her and she nodded to show she understood. “That’s okay. We’re just around the corner, and we’ll be home in a minute. Thanks for calling, Jonas.”
She hung up with a sigh. “Should I call Marcus?”
Heath nodded as he turned the car around in the yard and headed toward her house. She put in the call, and Marcus asked them not to investigate. He would only be a few minutes behind them.
The hope and peace she’d been imagining only moments before bubbled away. On the plus side, if Jonas was calling them about a problem, he wasn’t behind it.
Unless it was like some of the Max Fortini thrillers she’d read. Not that Phail, Vermont, was going to have a plot like a thriller.
When they pulled up, they found Jonas standing beside his ATV. He used it and the plow attachment to do his driveway. Over the years, he’d often plowed her driveway along with his, especially after heavy snowfalls. The man had been a good neighbor.
Heath pulled into the plowed driveway. When he shut off the engine, he squeezed her hand. “Let’s be careful what we say.”
Which meant he still suspected Jonas. She nodded, but her heart was heavy as he brushed his gloved thumb over her lower lip, and then he tucked her scarf up over her mouth.
Feeling conflicted, Addy got out and moved over to where Jonas stood. “Thanks for doing the driveway, Jonas. I appreciate it.”
He smiled down at her. A friendly smile, nothing creepy at all. And she hated that she was analyzing his reactions. “You’re welcome. It’s no problem when I’m out doing mine, anyway.”
Which was why she’d always sent a fruit basket for him at Christmas time. Another thing she hadn’t organized yet. All of her private time had been spent on work or the surprise she and Nina were making for Heath. She needed more hours in the day. Or she needed to sleep properly so she could use those hours well.
When the cruiser pulled into the driveway as well, Jonas’s eyebrows shot up. “You called in Marcus for an open door?”
Heath nodded, but they didn’t answer, waiting for Marcus to take the lead on that. The deputy emerged from his car with a nod to everyone. “Thanks for calling me in. Jonas, can you tell us what you saw?”
Jonas frowned but nodded. “Sure, but I didn’t really see anything. I had finished plowing my own driveway and saw Addison hadn’t done hers, so I came over to help her out. I noticed her utility door was open but no prints were going in or out. None to the house door either. So I called her to see if everything was all right. Which it likely isn’t if she called you.”
Marcus nodded but didn’t answer the implied question. “Did you see anyone hanging around last night?”
Jonas shrugged. “My place is up the hill a bit. I didn’t notice anything.”
“If you do notice anyone hanging around, give me a call.”
Jonas frowned again. “I was heading out to see some friends in New York for a few days, but I can cancel that if you think an extra set of eyes would help.”
Heath stiffened beside Addy but didn’t respond. Addy smiled. “Thanks, Jonas, but it’s probably nothing. Don’t change your plans. Enjoy your trip and your friends.”
He nodded and after Marcus assured him there was nothing else he could do, he hopped onto his ATV and headed back to his place.
Marcus took pictures of the scene before he moved closer to the door. “There are definite scratches here.” He took a picture and then flipped through his phone. “I took photos afterward in case anyone tried to pick the locks. This is evidence they did.”
Addy closed her eyes and blew out a breath. “It had to be done before the snow started last night. Are the breakers flipped again?”
Marcus moved into the utility room. Heath once again put himself between her and the wind, wrapping his arms around her to keep her warm. Unfortunately, the chill was from the inside.
When Marcus came out, his face was hard. “Breakers were flipped. I want to check out the inside before I flip them back again.”
She handed over her keys and tried to keep the shaking on the inside. Once Marcus checked the locks, he turned to her. “This one doesn’t look like it was picked.”
He kept his hand on his holster as he moved into the house, and she had to blink back tears. Her friend was putting himself in danger because of her. And Heath was wrapped around her to keep her safe out here. So much for her strong, independent woman routine.
It didn’t take long before Marcus reappeared and waved them inside. “Looks untouched to me. Why don’t you have a look around while I flip the breaker?”
She straightened her spine and moved inside. Her home looked like it always had, but the chill running inside her was new. This had been their sanctuary for years. She’d been so proud to have her own place, and they’d made it a good place. Full of love and strong memories.
Now, some idiot had taken that all away from them. “I think I’d like to have Nina stay with Ginny and Nimii for a few days. Then I can stay here, and maybe we can catch him.”
Heath frowned at her. “You mean we’ll stay here.”