Page 59 of No Love Lost
“You are a cutie. You know I’m not going to be able to give you back, either.”
Mosh’s tongue lolled out the side before she flopped her head down on the bed. Addy laughed. Definitely adorable. The budget could handle it.
Before she dove into her words, she worked on her project for Heath’s Christmas present for a while. It was difficult to find time on her laptop without alerting him to the present.
She also did some online shopping for an extra present for Nina. The savings account could take it.
Smiling, she finally dove into Zigi’s world and watched her protagonist deal with animals the girl had never even heard of before. Deciding what was a predator and what was a potential ally took cunning and nerve. And a bit of help from a lazy wolf.
When her phone buzzed, Addy flinched, and Animosh lifted her head. Of course, it was Heath. She picked it up. “Hi.”
His deep voice sent a thrill through her, as it always did. “How’s your new companion treating you?”
“She’s adorable.”
His chuckle had her smiling. “You’re smitten.”
“Yes, I am. By the dog as well.”
“Good to hear. Because I am head over heels.”
Her heart fluttered, and they flirted for a few more minutes before they hung up, both going back to work.
The day continued like that without incident until Heath showed up to take her to pick up Nina from school. Animosh hopped into the car with them, eager for the ride.
When Nina spotted the dog sticking her head out of the window despite the frigid temperatures, she squealed and ran to the car. “Mosh. You got Mosh. Oh, I’m so glad. Did she help? I bet you did, didn’t you, Animosh? You’re the smartest girl in the world.”
Addy grinned as Nina climbed into the car and hugged the dog. “I think you just wanted a dog and found a way to sneak this cutie past my defenses.”
Nina smiled and leaned forward to hug Addy. “Just an added bonus. Did she help you feel safer at the house?”
She never lied to her daughter, so she nodded. “I still think I got suckered, but she’s a pretty amazing dog.”
They stopped in at Phail Phoods to pick up some things, then headed home like a family. As they passed the house beside the farmhouse, her eyes latched onto it. It really was a dream house for her. Cozy but big enough for a family and a dog. She’d love to tour inside one day. Maybe after all this mess was over with, she’d ask Troy. He knew everything about the town and would know who owned the property and if they wanted to sell.
She’d like more information before she talked to Nina about it. And she didn’t want any of them jumping into a decision because some jerk was harassing them.
Once home, they played in the snow with Animosh, who loved chasing snowballs they tossed in the air. It was fun and normal, but the worry refused to leave her brain alone.
After supper, they lounged in the living room, talking about normal things until Nina grew serious. “Are we safe? Are you safe, Mom? Whoever is doing this seems to be focused on you. You’ve never hurt anyone. Why would they target you?”
Addy’s heart shuddered. “I don’t know, Nina. I don’t know much about the kind of person who would do this. From my research, it might be someone who hates me. Someone who thinks I hurt them. Or someone who wants my attention and doesn’t know how to go about it the normal way.”
Beside her, Heath stiffened and sat up straight. “Excuse me for a minute. I’m going outside to make a call.”
He threw on his jacket without another word and headed outside. Nina moved over to sit beside her on the couch. “That was weird. Do you think he’s okay? Should we follow him?”
Nina shook her head slowly. “It was weird. Let’s give him some time to make his call. I don’t want to invade his privacy.”
Nina sighed and rested her head on Addy’s shoulder. She tucked her arm around her daughter, grateful the pre-teen still liked the contact. She knew that would likely change over the next few years and she grabbed onto every moment like this that she could.
After a few minutes, Nina spoke again. “Is Heath—Dad—is he going to stay with us tonight?”
“Would you feel safer if he did?”
Nina nodded as Animosh came over and laid her head on Nina’s knee. When she patted the couch, the dog leaped up to snuggle with her. “I know we’re strong and can handle anything, but three is better than two.”
Animosh lifted her head, making them both smile. Nina patted her. “Sorry, Mosh. Four. Four is better than three.”