Page 73 of No Love Lost
From the backseat, Nina poked her. “Hey. You’re supposed to say drive safe.”
Addy laughed. “Like you said earlier, I know he’ll drive safe. I just want him to be quick.”
Heath pressed a kiss to her hand. “Less than a couple of minutes. Here we go.”
True to his word, they only made a couple of turns, and then he slowed the car and parked. “We’re here. Keep on the masks, and give me a minute to set something up. I’ll be right back. Promise.”
She heard the back hatch open and close, and then Addy leaned her head back and relaxed. “How much do you know about this surprise?”
Nina laughed. “More than you.”
That made her grin. “I think you and your dad are going to be the very best kind of trouble together. You’re a lot alike.”
“Absolutely. You’re both creative thinkers, you love surprises, you take care of other people, you like to win, and you’re trustworthy and kind. All kinds of things.”
She heard Nina swallow. “I’m glad he came to Phail. I’m glad he didn’t abandon us when you were pregnant.”
Addy was glad of the mask to hide her tears. “Me too.”
Heath called through the window. “I’m back. Don’t jump.” Then he opened a back door. “Give me your hand, Nina. Bring Mosh with you.”
In a few seconds, he was back. He opened her door. “Ready?”
He took her hand and led her a few steps away. “Okay, you’re side by side. Take off your masks in three, two, one.”
They stood in front of the farmhouse next to Sean’s property. Boards no longer covered the windows, and someone had shoveled. Christmas lights sparkled from the porch’s roof. A Christmas tree glowed in the front window, and a huge wreath hung on the door.
“What do you think?”
She turned to smile at him, not sure what was happening. “It’s beautiful.”
Nina bounced and clapped her hands. “I love it. Is it ours? Did you really get it?”
Laughing, Heath nodded. “It’s really ours. The paperwork needs to be finished up, but it’s really ours.”
Ours? “What?”
Heath grinned. “I hope I didn’t jump the gun, but you said you loved the house. Your place is great, but this one has way more room for all of us.”
And it held no memories of what Jonas had done. “You bought us a house.”
He looked worried. “If you hate it, we can sell it and buy something else, but yeah, I bought us a house.”
She stared at the house and then at the hope and joy in her daughter’s face and back at Heath. “You bought us a house.”
“I’m getting worried here, Addy. I thought you loved this place. If I overstepped, I’m sorry?—”
She flung herself into his arms and squeezed. “You bought us a home.” Because it was more than a house. It was a future for them all.
“You like it?”
“I’m in shock, but I love it. I can’t believe you bought us a home.” She turned to Nina. “And I can’t believe you knew and didn’t tell me.”
Nina grinned. “Dad wanted to make sure I was okay with living somewhere new. He didn’t want me to feel like he was forcing changes on us. I think it’s going to be awesome.”