Page 123 of Twist the Knife
“Because I’m about to mess it all up.”
She laughs softly and strokes my cheek. “I don’t mind.”
Ah, fuck. The one thing I need, I left in the pocket of my cut. I can’t let go of her, though.
“Where are you going?” she laughs as I carry her into the living room.
“Need something.” Keeping one arm around her, I press her to the wall next to the closet. Her thighs tighten around my waist, and she loops her arms around my shoulders again. Where the fuck did I put them? Trying to search with one hand sends frustration burning through me. Finally, my fingers fumble over the small square box. I yank it out, put it between my teeth, and hoist Margot into both arms again.
She pries the box from my mouth and quickly scans the front.
“Just in case you’re ready for lesson four.” Please be ready.
She shakes the box. “Only three?”
I snort with laughter, almost dropping her as I cross the threshold into her bedroom. “Best I could do on the road.”
I shove the door closed behind me, hoping we’re not interrupted by a certain nosy kitty.
She unwinds herself from my body, stretching her legs to the floor. I set her down and she practically skips to her nightstand, rolling open the top drawer. With a triumphant smile, she pulls out a box eight times the size of mine.
Jesus Christ, I don’t even know what to say. What a way to show me she’s ready for her next lesson.
Her lips curl devilishly. “I’ve got you covered.” She winks. “So to speak.”
Awkward laughter eases out of me. It’s a fucking box of condoms, not a key to her apartment. Wait—she gave me the combination to her keypad, so technically I do have the key to her place.
“Twenty-four? That’s a lot of lessons,” I tease, picking up the box.
“Well, I know you’re a thorough teacher.”
That I am. I scan the box again. “Elite large, huh?” She bought them all for me. Not someone else.
“For the longer and wider man.” She stretches her hands in front of her like she’s measuring a wooden beam, not a dick.
I capture her around the waist and boost her onto the bed, so she’s standing in front of me, nipples almost level with my mouth. I seal my lips over one and suck hard.
“Oh!” she gasps and digs her fingers into my shoulder, the sharp pressure easing knots of tension from riding for so long.
I release her nipple and stare up at her face. “Your hands feel good on me.”
“I like touching you.” She tips her head down, a slight frown creasing her brow. Can she see my back from that angle? Do I even care anymore? I think I could talk about my scars with her if she asks.
“Margot?” I run my hands underneath her shorts, up silky-smooth thighs. “I’m dying to kiss your sweet pussy.”
She drags her fingers through my hair, sending pleasure skittering over my scalp. “You’re supposed to be teaching me to be good at sex.”
“This is all part of the lesson.” I tug on the sides of her slippery little shorts and slide them down her legs, hissing in a breath when I encounter nothing underneath. “Fuuuck,” I groan at the sight of her.
She shifts, trying to cover her pussy with her hands.
“No.” I capture her wrists and pin them to her sides. “Don’t you dare try to hide. You’re beautiful. I want to see all of you. I’ve fucking missed you. Been thinking about you non-stop.”
“Really?” she whispers.
“Yes, look.” I hold up my right hand for her inspection. “I’ve got callouses on my hand from jerking off every time I think about you coming on my tongue.”
“What?” She giggles and grabs my hand as if she believes every word. I’m not exaggerating by much. Mostly, I’m trying to tell her there wasn’t anyone else while I was on the road. I’ve only been thinking about her.