Page 137 of Twist the Knife
“You’re awfully cocky,” I grumble.
Maybe he’s right. I’m still riding a wave of euphoria that’s only making me think this has turned into something else. It obviously doesn’t mean anything more than that to him.
He said he missed me while he was away. I know I missed him something awful. My heart’s breaking but I don’t know what to say or what questions to ask.
He’s opened up to me about his scars, his childhood. That means something, doesn’t it?
Apparently not.
We’re just sex. That’s it. No one was supposed to catch feelings.
That’s what we agreed to.
I don’t think that’s enough anymore.
I spent the last few days at Margot’s. Didn’t mean to stay that long, but I couldn’t find the desire to leave. I helped her check more positions off her list, and when she had to work, I kept myself busy. Either I rode to a friend’s gym and worked out, stopped by Remy’s bar to annoy him, or hung out at the racetrack with Eraser. At least that way, I could reasonably claim I was doing something for the club like Z asked me to. Sort of.
But when Rooster sends me a text saying he, and the rest of the club, are almost home, it’s time to go.
Unfortunately, Margot’s with a family. I end up leaving her a note.
Need to run home.
Had a good time.
See you soon.
I stare at my chicken-y scribble. Had a good time—understatement. Hope you enjoyed the orgasms sounds cocky. I don’t want to leave anything too X-rated in case, for some reason, her father comes up here and sees it. This doesn’t feel right either, though.
I’ll text her later. Hopefully, by then I’ll have come up with something better. Maybe Rooster can give me some advice. He’s always sending sappy shit to Shelby.
No. They’re engaged. Margot and I are just…fuck buddies? Teacher and student? I grab the note and add “A++” at the bottom.
The ride downstate gives me time to think about my time with Margot. Several times, I have the urge to turn around, go back to her place, and rip up that note.
But I keep riding.
I arrive at the downstate clubhouse a few minutes before Z, Butcher, Grip, and Suds pull in.
Z’s busy on his phone as he approaches the clubhouse.
“Where’s Rooster at?” I ask.
He scowls, finishes whatever he was doing, and glances up. “Hello to you too.”
“Hey, Prez,” I say with a bit more respect. “How was the ride?”
“Fine. As for Rooster, aren’t you usually the keeper of his whereabouts?”
“He rode home with you guys, right?” I ask, ignoring the whole keeper thing.