Page 165 of Twist the Knife
The serious lines of his face melt into a genuine smile. “Come on, I want you to meet my sister.”
One of the young women by the Mustang breaks from the pack and strolls toward us.
“There she is.” Jigsaw beams. “Apologies in advance,” he mutters under his breath.
On edge after the warning, a shaky smile spreads over my lips to greet her.
When she’s close enough, Jigsaw wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her to his side. Annoyed with him or not, she tips her head back and looks at him with affection in her eyes.
“Margot, this is my sister, Jezzie.”
I’m so nervous to meet his only relative that my hand shakes as I reach for hers. She holds it for a few seconds. Staring at my face for so long, I fight the urge to twitch and yank my hand back.
Shaking off Jigsaw’s arm, she leans closer and stage-whispers, “Blink twice if you’re being held hostage.”
“What?” I let out a nervous laugh and pull away.
“Knock it off,” Jigsaw groans.
“No, no, no. You’re too pretty and wholesome for my brother.” She lowers her voice. “Did he hypnotize you?”
“Only with his charm.” And his big dick, but I don’t think you want to have that conversation. I smile up at Jigsaw and take his hand.
“Huh, I haven’t met that version of him, yet. He sounds swell, though.” Jezzie grins and throws a light punch at his shoulder.
He pretends to flinch. “Har. Har. You’re hilarious. Really.”
“Sorry, Margot.” Jezzie turns more serious eyes on me. “He embarrassed me earlier, but I shouldn’t take it out on you.”
“Why’d you do that?” I ask him.
He widens his eyes and presses his free hand to his chest like I’ve mortally wounded him. “Why do you automatically assume she’s telling the truth?”
“Because I have older brothers too.”
He chuckles. “I didn’t embarrass her. I just shooed away a certain hound dog.”
I roll my eyes at his innocent explanation.
Jezzie grins. “I talk to boys at school all the time and you never know about it.” Her smile fades. “Don’t ask me to hang out with your friends if I’m not allowed to talk to them.”
“I can’t win,” Jigsaw mutters. “Whatever. You’re a big girl. Do whatever you want. When he breaks your heart, I’ll have to kill him. Then I’ll be in prison, so please promise to bring me a cake with a nail file baked in it.”
“What if I break his heart?”
“I’m fine with that.”
Jezzie leans up and throws her arms around her brother’s neck and pops a quick kiss on his cheek. “Aww, I love you.”
“Have you been drinking?” he asks.
“Ugh.” She lets out a disgusted snort and backs away from him. “I can’t even say anything nice, now?”
“I’m just not used to it.” A playful grin twitches at the corner of his mouth. “It’s confusing.”
He’s left shaking his head while Jezzie skips back to the other women.
“You two are covering up a lot of pain with all those ‘jokes,’ aren’t you?” I peer up at him and tilt my head.