Page 171 of Twist the Knife
“Yes, but if she feels betrayed or disrespected in some way, is she still able to be practical?” Grinder asks.
I consider his question, what he’s really asking. “I’m not planning to fuck this up, G.”
Wrath snorts. “She goes to the cops, then she and her father get in trouble too. What’s she going to say, ‘I’ve known about some potential crimes that I participated in months ago and I’m just coming forward now?’ Cops aren’t wasting their time on that.”
“Besides.” An evil grin spreads over Teller’s face. “There’s no evidence anything even happened, and she doesn’t know who went into those ovens.”
“Right,” I say. “I really don’t think it’s an issue.”
“Okay. Bring her up,” Rock says.
Convincing the club was easier than I expected.
Now I hope my little lady of death is ready to come party in the woods with some bikers.
As much as I want to go straight to Margot’s place and give her the good news that my club’s not gonna murder me, she’s busy with a service and I can’t leave right away after church. Walking out of the war room with Rooster by my side, I nod to the ol’ ladies waiting for their men to come out of the chapel.
“Where’s Shelby at?” I ask Rooster.
His lips twist into an amused smirk. “She wanted to do sun salutations out at the stone ruins on the property. Trinity joined her.”
“What, the champagne room doesn’t have the right vibrations for yoga anymore?”
“She’s always liked it out there.” He shrugs. “You all right with how things went down?”
“Yeah.” I nod quickly. “Surprised Wrath stuck up for her so fast. And Teller wasn’t as pissed as I expected.”
“I think Z’s more annoyed than anyone. We’re gonna be feeling the heat of that for a while.”
Fuck, just what I need. Our prez pissed off at both of us.
“Shelby liked Margot a lot,” he says. “Glad you brought her the other night.”
“Yeah.” I lower my voice. “Thanks for keeping that to yourself in there.”
“Surprised you didn’t speed out of here to go give her the good news. Did she know you were doing this today?”
“I mentioned it but not today specifically. She’s busy with work, anyway.”
He stops in the hallway outside the champagne room. Loud chatter from the dining room drifts toward us from one end, and in the living room, the guys and ol’ ladies are laughing and talking. But for the moment, Rooster and I are alone.
“Pine Hollow’s a bit of a ride, brother. I assume, because of her job, she must be on call a lot and need to stay close to home. You plannin’ to transfer to this charter so you’re closer?” he asks.
That had never occurred to me. “Are you planning to transfer here, brother? Because the rule’s always been, I go where you go. That’s not changing.”
His lips roll into a thoughtful line.
“Besides, your place isn’t that far from her. And last I knew, Z wanted me handling more things out that way, anyway.”
“Yeah, surprised no one brought up the support club today.” He tilts his head toward the dining room and we continue walking. “Noticed you didn’t jump up and wave your hand around to get picked for a shift at Crystal Ball this time.” He snickers.
“She didn’t ask me not to, just so you know.” I jam my hands in my pockets. “I can’t explain why, I just don’t feel like it.”
“No, I get it.”