Page 30 of Twist the Knife
“Well, yes.” This was dumb. Why did I think this was a good idea again? Can I even blame this on the pot brownie?
“How old are you?”
Is he actually considering my request?
Heat burns the tip of my nose, and spreads over my cheeks. My face must be pink enough to match my shoes by now.
“Never mind.” I pick up my plate and tear off little pieces of my roll. I’m too disgusted with myself to eat any of it, so I just end up sprinkling crumbs all over my dress.
How am I ever going to look at Jigsaw again? Maybe I’ll call Teller and ask him to send a different brother to help out from now on? The MC’s supposed to be our partner. It won’t be weird if I reach out,will it? I could start by thanking him for letting me come to his wedding. That’s normal, right?
No. I can’t do that. What if that gets Jigsaw in trouble with his boss or president or whatever. It’s not fair to get him in trouble because I embarrassed myself.
“Why me?” he finally asks.
I risk meeting his eyes. They’re round with curiosity and…interest? “I, uh, like you.”
“You don’t even know me.”
I know him well enough. I shrug. “I feel safe around you.”
“You shouldn’t,” he mutters.
“I felt safe enough to sleep on you.” All my pride travels south. This isn’t going well. “You don’t seem to judge me. Well, at least up until now.”
“Judge you how?”
I shrug. “You know, for ‘playing with dead people’.”
He winces. Maybe I’m wrong. Does he think I’m a weirdo? And he’s only being nice to me because he has to?
“You make an honest living and you help people through a rough time,” he finally says. “Why would I judge you for that?”
“You’d be surprised the things people say.”
“People are assholes.”
I huff a sad laugh. “No arguments there.”
Why does considering Margot’s proposal rocket my heart rate into the red zone? She’s an absolutely fascinating puzzle. Shy but brave. Smart and compassionate, but somehow sheltered too. So innocent she’s never been high in her life but bold enough to ask me to teach her about sex.
I want to collect and study every piece of this woman.
She slides her tongue against her bottom lip and my cock reacts as if the gesture was an invitation, hardening behind my zipper. I shift on the slippery blanket and force the images of all the places I’d like her pretty pink tongue to visit aside.
“You’re a good guy,” she whispers. “I knew it the second we met. I guess that’s why.”
Good guy my ass. If she knew all the wicked things I’m picturing doing to her, she wouldn’t think there’s an ounce of goodness in me. And if she knew all the horrors that lurk in my mind, or all the violent deeds I’ve been part of—and enjoyed—she’d probably run screaming all the way back to Pine Hollow.
“If you say so.” Man, I was not expecting this today. First, having her fall asleep on my leg. Now asking me to teach her to fuck.
She always looks so prim and proper, comes from a prominent family, yet she had no problem being around the club today. She likes Sparky, even though he accidentally got her high.
High…fuck! That’s why she made that ridiculous request. It’s Sparky’s latest strain talking.
“You were nice enough to sit here with me while I slept. You must’ve been so bored. You missed the party because of me.”