Page 39 of Twist the Knife
Her eyes bug and she dry heaves at anal. Guess that’s not a skill she wants to learn. I take a sip of my coffee to hide my laughter while I wait for her answer.
“The basics. I want to start from the ground up. Give me an idea of what men today expect.” She frowns. “No master classes. Nothing in my butt.”
I choke on my laughter. “You realize, what men expect and what I expect might be different. I’m not really in the habit of running around asking every man I meet how he likes to fuck.”
“But you…your club brothers, you never talk about sex?”
“Uh, if you didn’t notice, the brothers with ol’ ladies are hyper-protective of them. No, they don’t give details. Ever. I had to share living quarters with Rooster and Shelby when she was on tour and all I can tell you is that they’re a loud and often kind of couple. I covered my head with my pillow and prayed for Rooster to be cursed with erectile dysfunction. I didn’t stand by and take notes.”
“I just want to learn to be good at it.”
Something vulnerable in her voice tugs at my conscience. Forgot I had one for a decade.
I grab my coffee and take a quick sip. It’s cool now. Bitter. I set the mug on its coaster again. “What are you doing Friday?”
She blinks a few times, then frowns. “Uh, I’m going to this car show thing in downtown Johnsonville. Why?”
“Car show? Really?” Interest colors my question. The way she shifts her gaze away, I think she assumes I’m making fun of her.
An awful idea forces me to ask something I shouldn’t. “Are you going to the car show to troll for a sex coach?”
“What?” Her brow wrinkles with an indignant frown. “No! It’s the first show this season. I go to them all the time.”
“By yourself?”
“Well, sometimes my friend April comes with me. Or my cousin Paul goes but it’s rare we both have a night off.”
“What do you do?”
Her eyes light up, then her mouth turns down, wiping the joy off her face. “Nothing exciting. I’m usually the youngest person there. They close off a section of Main Street. Everyone parks facing the street instead of parallel to the curb.” She makes a series of hand gestures to demonstrate. “It’s rather informal. You just walk up and down, checking out everyone’s classic. If you go often enough, you get to see the different stages of restoration for some of the vehicles. A lot of people work on their own cars. I take mine to?—”
“Well, Jerry’s Garage, but yes, Griff’s done a lot of the work on it. But Jerry knows my dad from the Chamber of Commerce, so he always helps me out.”
Chamber of Commerce. What the fuck am I thinking? I can’t get involved with this woman. Even if it’s only for a few fuck lessons.
Demons help me. Forbidden fruit really is the sweetest.
“Are you allowed to bring a guest?”
“Y-yes,” she stammers. “Of course. You drive up, pay five bucks, park and put a card with some info about your car on the dash, then walk around if you want to. Some people stay with their cars because they don’t trust people. But I like to walk around.”
“You’re not worried about someone damaging your car?”
“Not really. The people who go to this are mostly local and pretty respectful. The diner stays open late and some of the businesses have sales and stuff. It’s a nice way to support the community.”
“You don’t support Pine Hollow?” I tease. “The actual community where you live and have your business?
“Business comes to us from Johnsonville too.” She lifts her chin. “Pine Hollow only does one car show a year and I go to that one too, smarty pants.”
A rough chuckle rumbles out of me. Can’t remember the last time someone as cute as Margot called me that.
“Can we go together?” I ask.
She throws me a surprised side-eye. “Like a date?”
“I don’t do that,” I remind her, shuddering at the thought.