Page 27 of Wanting
“You don’t know what to do with an animal,” I gritted. “You’re too scared of getting your pretty face scratched.”
Will’s eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on my thigh. “No, Andie. You’re scared. And ambitious…and a little desperate. So why aren’t you doing everything you can to get ahead?”
“You don’t understand ambition,” I muttered. “You’ve never needed it, and you never will.”
Will’s jaw clenched. Anger sparked in his gaze, and I felt a stubborn twinge of satisfaction that I’d gotten to him.
Spreading his fingers, he deliberately pulled his hand out from between my thighs and turned on the ignition.
Dazed, I lay back while he drove down the winding road that cut through the grounds and pulled into the enormous garage.
“Last chance,” he said as we got out of the car, resting his hand on the door to the house. Fluorescent light flooded the garage, showing off the Randolph family car collection. Whatever anger Will felt had vanished, and he offered me a smirk. “Are you coming with me this weekend?”
I shook my head.
He kissed my forehead, making my whole body tighten. “Sweet dreams, little cousin.”
He disappeared into the house, leaving me alone.
When his footfalls died away, I hurried to my room, locked the door, and tried to sleep.
But after an hour of tossing and turning, I gave in to the thrumming need. I yanked my panties down and stroked my clit. I put my fingers inside myself, like Will had done in the kitchen. I thrust into the mattress, screamed into the pillow, drummed my feet on the sheets.
I was a beast. An animal.
When I came, I rolled onto my back, panting and covered with sweat.
I didn’t recognize myself.
Stiffly, I walked to my bathroom and turned on the shining shower head, soaking my hair with a hot rainfall.
Will was wrong. I was no animal. I was Andrea Baker, who was ready to make her mark on the world. I still had hopes and dreams. I would succeed in my career, even if I depended on my uncle to get it started.
Even if I’d been afraid when he sent me the letter.
Even if I dissolved into a tangled mess of hatred and desire whenever my cousin touched me.
Chapter 6
The next night, I phoned my parents. Dialing the two numbers made me wince. I wondered how many weeks it would take until I got used to calling them separately.
“Are you holding up okay, sweetie?” my mom wanted to know. “I know you probably have all your needs taken care of, and I’m sure you’re doing well at work, but my sister and her family—“
“They’re crazy.” Sitting on the plush carpet, I leaned my head against the carved bed frame. “I don’t know how they couldn’t be.”
“Rose was always crazy,” my mother said dismissively. “Money’s just given her more of an outlet. I don’t know that she’s ever loved Richard, or even Will, but she certainly loves her lifestyle. Has she had any procedures done since you arrived?”
“She looks great, Mom.” Not the right thing to say, but I was too tired to care. There was a short silence.
“And how’s work?”
“Long days. Lots of challenges.”
“I’m sure. But this is an amazing opportunity, Andie.” My mom sounded like she’d repeated that phrase to herself, a lot. “The way they’ve stepped in— Your uncle has connections beyond what I can even imagine. I don’t want to imagine. In fact, the less I think about Richard and what he does with his time and influence, the better.”
“So let’s not think about it.” I ran my fingers through my long hair, twisting the red strands.
“I hope Will, at least, has been welcoming.”