Page 36 of Wanting
Will draped his robe around my shoulders. “If you hurry, I bet you’ll still be on time to work. Almost.” He flashed me a grin. “I know you’re trying to save up. Better run, Andie.”
“Bastard,” I snapped. Knotting the sash of the robe, I slammed the door on my way out. I hoped the whole house felt it.
Chapter 9
I didn’t see Will at all the next week. I stayed out as much as possible, and when I was home, he wasn’t. I didn’t ask my aunt or uncle about his whereabouts. Maybe he’d flown back to the Bahamas, or gone to frolic in Ibiza, or drowned in the Bermuda Triangle.
His robe hung in my room. I wasn’t inclined to return it. One night, after talking on the phone to my parents — separately — I couldn’t sleep. Everyone had been very busy reassuring everyone else that we were all doing fine. Pulling my nightshirt off, I wrapped myself in the thick robe, much too big for me, the velvety blue terrycloth soft, rough and scented on my bare skin. I didn’t hold back the tears that trickled onto my pillow before I drifted off to sleep.
Mid-week after work, in a little club with no cover, I perched on a wooden chair with Emily, the friend who’d set me up with her friend’s friend.
“Ladies. Can I get you another drink?” The waitress raised her voice over the music, smiling at us significantly.
I shook my head.
“We’re sharing a chair, so we’re sharing a drink,” Emily chirped, holding up our cosmo. One drink between the two of us was all we could afford.
The waitress wrinkled her nose in an Isn’t that cute but not really expression, and left.
“I googled your rich relatives.” Meg, on her own chair with a drink to herself, poked me. “And by rich, I mean moneyed as fuck,” she added to Emily. I’d told them the basics, nothing more. “You remember when her uncle and cousin showed up at the office? Andie, your cousin’s dreamy.”
“He’s insane.” I shifted on the chair, bumping Emily, who laughed.
“Even better. Rich, handsome, and twisted — now that’s hot.”
“My whole family’s insane,” I muttered.
“Oh, I know,” Emily said. “I’m the only normal person in my family too. It’s a burden, right?”
My phone buzzed. Andrea. My aunt’s number. I’d like you to accompany me to a luncheon on Saturday. We haven’t had nearly enough time together. Dress nicely.
I held up the phone. Meg shook her head. “Who texts the word ‘luncheon?’”
* * *
On Saturday, I stood next to Aunt Rose on the wide front porch, waiting for the car. The sun shone brilliantly. The leaves on the solid old trees whispered secrets. Her floral perfume wafted toward me as she turned abruptly and reached into her leather handbag.
“Here.” She pressed a stack of folded bills into my hand and closed my fingers around them with a little pat. “Will told me we should be giving you an allowance.”
Irritation surged through my body. “Really, it’s fine, Aunt Rose. It’s very kind of you, but I told him it wasn’t necessary.”
“Well, he clearly thought it was, so there we are. The car’s ready.”
“Aunt Rose.” I toyed with the zipper on my handbag, the bills soft and heavy in my palm. “Why’d you and Uncle Richard invite me here this summer?”
“It seemed like you could use a little care at this point in your life, Andrea.” Aunt Rose pursed her lips, pausing on the steps. “Care that your parents are not equipped to give you.” I can take care of myself, I muttered in my head. “And it’s nice for Will to have his cousin around.”
“Right, because he’s home so frequently,” I couldn’t help saying, and why did I give a damn?
“As are you.” My aunt arched one delicate eyebrow. “I’d thought you might be out together. I’m sure Will would be happy to arrange for some cousin time. In fact, he was the one who suggested we bring you here this summer.” She smiled at me blandly. “You know we can’t deny that boy anything.”
A chill clenched my stomach. She knows.
I nodded and followed her down the broad steps to the car.
* * *
Lunch was endless. An endless parade of conversation about everyone’s children, but mostly about Will, because my aunt could dominate any discussion. He was the most talented, the most charming, the most handsome and intelligent creature who had ever walked the earth.