Page 65 of Wanting
“Not anymore,” I murmured.
“No. Now I can try to deserve you.”
I hugged Will tight around the neck. “I’ve never heard you say so much at once.”
“It’s because of you, sweet girl.” He looked me over with narrowed eyes. “And since you asked, yes. I sure as hell am your boyfriend now.”
Warmth spread through me. Will sounded as certain as I felt, loosening the knots his father had tied in my stomach, turning the poison to sweet elixir that swirled low in my belly.
“I don’t care what people think, either,” I murmured. “Not anymore. I don’t want to hide.”
Will caressed my chin. “Andie, my parents will try to keep us apart. They’re going to make life hard for us. Are you ready for a battle?”
“I’m not a fighter. But for you, yes.”
His thumbs stroked over my collarbone, along the curves of my breasts, down my waist. I sighed, pulling him closer. Finally, I felt completely open to him. Finally, we belonged to each other.
“You are,” he said. “You fool people, looking so quiet and dreamy. But you know how to bite and scratch. You know how to survive, Andie. I need you to be strong while we get through this.”
I stroked his jaw. “Will, you’re strong too.”
He shook his head. “You know how soft I’ve had it? That’s over.”
“Then show me,” I whispered. “Show me how strong you are. Make me yours, all over again, because I am, Will. You’ve been inside me as long as I’ve been inside you. That time in the woods eight years ago? You changed me too.”
His mouth fell open a little. His eyes glowed in the early morning light. “Make you? How?”
“I need you to take me.” I held his gaze. Totally sure of myself, confident in what I was asking. “In every way you want to.”
Will’s cheeks turned a dull red. “You want me to be selfish with you, Andie?”
I shook my head. “Last night was beautiful and perfect and I know you don’t want to take anything from me. So give to me by possessing me. Do what you want with me, Will, and give to me that way. I know you’ll take care of me.”
“Fuck, I will, baby,” he breathed.
I ran my fingers through his hair. “Get the demons out. I know they’re still there.”
Will let out a long breath. “Your demons or mine?”
“There’s so much we haven’t done yet,” he murmured. “So much I thought I’d never get to do with you.”
Idly, he cupped my breasts, caressing the small curves. He teased my nipples into puffy pink points until I hissed with need. Arching toward him, my palms found his bronzed chest. My fingers skated over his ribs.
“You’ve gotten thinner,” I murmured. “You haven’t been eating enough.”
Will’s mouth went soft in the way it did when I expressed concern for him. Looking back, I wished I’d done it more. Then a devilish gleam lit his eyes.
“That’s because your pussy hasn’t been available.”
He cocked his head. Warm hands slid down to my thighs, pushing them open. “You kept your body away from me, baby girl. This sweet, precious little pussy that we both know is all mine. The perfect fit for my cock, my tongue, my fingers. Can you blame me for starving?”
I gripped his shoulders, digging my fingers hard into the muscled swells. Will was caressing my thighs unbearably gently, moving towards my cunt, grazing the tender skin of my lips.
“No,” I breathed. “No, I guess I can’t. But Will, I was starving too.”