Page 117 of By His Vow
“Can you turn around? Please,” I ask again.
“Go and get ready, Kingston. You don’t want to be late for your big night.”
Relenting, I spin on my heel and march toward the stairs.
I know the second she turns to look at me—my skin burns beneath my suit—but I don’t turn around.
She wants me to wait, and I will respect that. It’ll only be for five minutes, after all.
I strip off my clothes and throw myself into the shower, and in only minutes, I’m out again and pulling my dinner suit on.
Something flutters in my stomach as I march toward the doorway five minutes before Lewis expects us for the journey to the hotel where tonight’s event is taking place.
As I descend the stairs, I find her in exactly the same position she was standing in when I left; only this time, when she hears my footsteps, she spins around.
My eyes widen and my chin drops as I take in the true beauty of the woman before me.
Her hair is pinned up in an intricate updo and her makeup is light but flawless, accentuating her large eyes, high cheekbones and full lips. It almost makes her slender neck look longer than I’m sure it is as my eyes drop to the plunging neckline of her dress.
It’s…fuck. Sinful.
“Kingston,” she teases. “You’re drooling.”
Without thinking, I lift my hand to my mouth.
She smirks before her laughter fills the room.
“You look amazing, baby,” I say, as I drop down the final step and approach her.
As I study her, I almost blurt out my plans for the weekend. She’s just chastised me over not telling her what I’m scheming up, but despite knowing that this is the most perfect opportunity, the words refuse to leave my mouth.
“Are you ready?”
Her eyes narrow and she studies me for a beat. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she’s nervous.
“Y-yeah,” she stutters, confirming my suspicion.
She reaches for her purse and tucks it under her arm before turning toward the front door.
“Tonight is just a formality, you know that right? Nothing will be expected of you,” I say when I catch up to her.
“I know. I’m just not feeling very…peopley.”
“Just a few hours then the only person you have to deal with is me.”
“Is that meant to make me feel better?”
I laugh. What else can I do?
With my hand pressed against the small of her back, I guide her into the elevator.
But instead of standing side by side like we have on every other journey up here so far, I turn into her body and back her up against the wall.
“King.” She gasps, her hands wrapping around the railing to steady herself.
“Did I already tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” I whisper, letting my lips brush her cheek as I move toward her ear.