Page 18 of By His Vow
I pull my Aston Martin to a stop outside the building and long before I’ve hit the brake, Thomas, one of my chosen security guards, comes marching toward me.
There are only a couple of people I truly trust with both my life and my car, and he is one of them.
He eyes me closely, taking note of each bruise and cut on my face, but he knows better than to comment.
“Good evening, sir. Would you like me to park her for you?” he asks as he pulls my door wide, allowing me to get out.
“Thank you,” I say coolly, passing him the key.
With a nod at the two men guarding the entrance, I march inside.
The second I step over the threshold, everything feels right in my world once again.
Any concern over Tatum and her reaction to today’s revelation is gone.
When I’m here, I’m focused. I do my job, and I do it fucking well, without any distractions or drifting thoughts.
With a nod to the ladies sitting behind the reception desk, I take off toward the elevator, aiming for the one person I know will still be sitting behind his desk, completely unaware that the workday is over and most of the staff have long left for the day.
The doors open before me, revealing two young women lost in deep conversation.
Without looking, they both move to the exit, completely missing my presence.
However, it doesn’t take long for one to glance up, and her gasp fills the small space around them.
“M-Mr. Callahan,” she stutters, her eyes wide and her cheeks flushed. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
“No problem…?”
“C-Clare. I-I work in?—”
“Hi,” the other says much more confidently, stepping in and stealing my attention.
“I’m Erin. We’re both in marketing,” she says, her eyes holding mine for a beat before they drop to my lips.
Nice try.
“Have a wonderful evening, ladies.”
I step aside to allow them to pass before walking into the elevator with the sound of their giggles filling the air.
I’m still smirking at their reaction to me when I hit the top floor.
“Good evening,” I say, making eye contact with Melissa, my assistant, who’s packing up her things for the night.
“I wasn’t expecting you back. Can I get you anything?”
“No, thank you. Enjoy your night,” I say, taking off down the hallway, passing the door to my office, and making a beeline for the one at the other end.
His windows are tinted, stopping me from seeing the man inside, but that isn’t an unusual thing. He prefers to hide from the world.
I knock twice and invite myself in before he has a chance to call out to me.
The room is silent with only a light glowing on his desk, and the man himself sits with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he types furiously on his keyboard.
“I’m busy,” he barks without bothering to look up.
“Unfortunately for you, I don’t give a fuck,” I mutter, swinging his door closed with a bang behind me and marching into the room.