Page 199 of By His Vow
Finally, he lifts the glass to his lips, and he’s just taken a sip when I blurt, “Did you know I’m getting married next Saturday?”
He coughs, spraying top-shelf whiskey all over his walnut furniture.
“Shit. Sorry.”
Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he returns to his chair and places his drink on the desk.
His eyes meet mine, and I get my answer.
“Of course you knew. Is there anything else about my life that everyone else knows about but me?”
“Tate,” he breathes, tugging at the tie around his neck and undoing his top button.
“It’s okay.” It’s not. Nothing about this is okay, but I don’t want to put any more weight on his shoulders. “I’ll do what I need to do and then…”
“And then?” he asks when I trail off.
I shrug. “I guess I’ll figure that out at the time.”
“You mean there’s a chance you’re not going to go running straight to England to start over?” he asks hopefully.
It’s no secret that Miles doesn’t share or even understand my dream of leaving not only Chicago but also America to embark on a new life across the Atlantic.
For as long as I can remember, it’s been the location of all my dreams about the future. But suddenly, everything I always thought about isn’t quite so clear. Everything is a little fuzzy, my future unsure and unplanned for the first time in my life.
“Yeah, maybe. I don’t know. Everything is just?—”
“A mess?” he finishes for me.
“Yeah,” I agree sadly.
His eyes are ringed with dark shadows, and I’m sure he’s gained a wrinkle or two since I last saw him.
Questions about the company and what has him so stressed dance on the tip of my tongue, but while I’m trying not to put more weight on him, I also don’t want any more on me. And I fear that if I know the truth about what’s going on here, the potential mess that Dad left behind, then I won’t be able to forget about it.
Instead, I make a U-turn and focus on the other reason I came up here to see my big brother.
“Miles?” I ask once he’s drained his second glass and set it back on the table.
“Yeah, T.”
“Will you…” My eyes hold his tired ones. “Will you give me away next Saturday?”
He sucks in a sharp breath, and then I’m pretty sure he stops breathing altogether.
“Miles?” I whisper when he doesn’t respond.
He scrubs his hand across his face. “Shit, T. I don’t know what you expect me to say to that.”
“Well, yes would be nice.”
“Fuck, yeah. Yes. Of course I will.”
Pushing to his feet, he rushes around the desk, pulls me out of my seat, and crushes me against his chest.
He presses a kiss to the top of my head, making me feel like a little girl all over again while I fight the tears that threaten once more.
He releases me, allowing us both to retake our seats before he groans and slumps back.