Page 210 of By His Vow
“Right,” I mutter.
I don’t want to like this woman. But there’s also something about her that I can’t help warming to.
Kingston doesn’t have a big network. He keeps his friends close, so the fact he’s let Aubrey in, and they’ve stayed connected for quite a few years, makes me want to believe that she’s a decent person.
“Why are you here?” Lori blurts, the martinis loosening her tongue more than usual.
“Kingston mentioned you were having a small bachelorette down here so…”
“You thought you’d invite yourself,” Lori continues.
“I can go. It’s no big deal. I just wanted to meet Tatum. Kingston seems pretty smitten.”
I scoff. “If you’re talking about growing his empire and reputation, then yeah, he’s totally smitten.”
The door closes again, and this time when a pair of footsteps appears, it’s our server, ready to take our order.
“Two more pornstar martinis, please,” Lori orders.
“Aubrey?” I offer.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. We’re not exactly filling the place up down here.”
She nods once, accepting my invitation before looking up at the server. “I’ll have the same, please.”
“You’re right, by the way,” Lori says once we’re alone again. “Kingston is totally smitten with my girl here. I mean, why shouldn’t he be? Look at her.”
“Lor,” I complain when she waves her hand up and down, gesturing to my body.
“What? If you ask me, he’s the one who lucked out with this arranged marriage bullshit.”
The three of us fall into an easy conversation about Kingston before we divert off in a million different directions as the drinks continue to flow.
It turns out that Aubrey was pretty confident about her invitation to join us, because when Lori suggests we relocate to the sauna, she quickly peels her oversized t-shirt and leggings off to reveal a bathing suit that I’m sure would drive every single member of the opposite sex—and more than a few of the same—crazy with desire.
It doesn’t take much imagination to understand why she’s so good at her job. A job we only briefly managed to scratch the surface of despite my and Lori’s piqued interest.
By the time Lori and I stumble back to our fancy suite on the top floor of the most prestigious hotel in the city, my plan for not getting drunk seems to have flown right out the window.
I’m flying high on the martinis, and so is Lori as she weaves back and forth in her attempt to find the bedroom.
“You are getting married in the morning.” She sings at the top of her lungs as she spins around to look at me. “Ding dong, the bells are going to chime. Or they would if you were innocent enough for a church.” She falls about in a fit of giggles before stumbling on nothing and going flying backward.
She reaches out and snags my hand a beat before she crashes to the floor, dragging me with her.
We land with loud squeals before an eruption of laughter spills free as we roll around together.
And just like that all the stress and worry of the past few weeks melts away as I finally let go of everything and just…laugh.
The pressure of building a fake relationship, the lies I’ve been telling myself about my unwanted growing feelings for King. Everything just vanishes.
It is the best medicine for my shitshow of a life right now, and I embrace it with both hands.
“Oh my god,” Lori squeals as she manages to get to her feet before stumbling into the dresser. “Tomorrow is going to hurt.”
“No,” I cry. “No talk about tomorrow. Here and now. Me and you.”