Page 282 of By His Vow
The sound of Miles’s fist raining down on Tatum and Lorelei’s front door echoes down the silent hallway of their building.
“Tate, open up. It’s just me,” he lies. “Shit,” he curses when nothing but silence greets his most recent demand.
“You do know she has a peephole and that she’ll be able to see that you’re lying if she’s looking through it,” I point out like an asshole.
“Do you have a fucking better idea?” he snaps, clearly losing patience fast with his little sister’s antics.
We should be working. We should be continuing with safeguarding all our futures, but no, we’re chasing my little brat.
“Actually, I do,” I state, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a set of keys. One of which unlocks Tatum’s front door.
Selecting it, I push it into the lock.
Miles’s chin drops. “She gave you a key?”
“Something like that,” I mutter as I throw the door open and march inside.
“Tatum,” I call, my voice hard and demanding.
This time, there is a reply, although it’s not the soft, seductive sound of my wife’s voice.
It’s an angry hiss.
I march into the living area to find the cat standing guard in the middle of the kitchen island with her hackles up and her teeth bared.
“Hi, Fluffpuff, good to see you too.”
At my voice, her hissing gets louder and more violent. Her entire body tenses as if she’s about to launch herself at me and claw my eyes out.
“Ah, Grizzy, is Kingston being mean?” Miles sings, ignoring the feral look in its eyes and lifting her into his arms.
And she lets him.
What the actual fuck?
“Grizzy?” I ask.
“Hell, yeah. We go way back, don’t we?” he asks the fucking cat while tickling behind her ear and making her purr like a sweet little kitten.
“Right. That’s just fucking great. Could you ask her where the fuck my wife is, please?”
“She’s a cat, KC.”
I shrug before taking off in the hope of finding some kind of clue in her bedroom.
I come to a stop in the doorway, immediately struck with not only her sweet scent but with memories of the night I brought her back here after we signed the contract in Jonathan’s office.
She was so fucking wasted, she had no idea I’d even picked her up, let alone carried her out of Maxies and got her ready for bed.
The prospect of being married to me drove her to that.
The only way to come was to get fucking wasted.
I might have had her stuff moved to my place, but the room is still full of things and also still looks like a tornado has torn through it. But then, I guess that’s just Tatum. It’s exactly what she’s done to my life. Torn through it, caused chaos, and ensured that it’ll never be the same again.
I step farther into the room, my images morphing to those of the next morning when I found her hungover and regretting her life choices. The morning I had my first introduction to her delightful pussy…
I shake my head, searching the counters for something of use.