Page 3 of By His Vow
Michael is one thing. But Kingston is very much another.
I jump to my feet as red-hot anger explodes within me, my blood boiling as it surges through my veins.
“I’m sorry, but this is a private family meeting,” I snarl, holding my head high and bracing myself for impact.
I don’t remember a time in my life when Kingston and I haven’t clashed.
Growing up, our nanny tried to tell me that it was because he was the eldest of a group of brothers and that he didn’t know how to handle a girl.
Personally, I’ve always thought it was because he’s an asshole.
My words make his shoulders widen, and it’s impossible not to notice the tick in his jaw before he turns his attention toward me.
The second his emerald eyes lock on mine, it takes every ounce of strength I have not to take a step back.
I’ve spent my life surrounded by powerful, intimidating men, but nothing ever prepared me for Kingston Callahan’s full attention.
It’s always been the same. From as early as I can remember, he’s put me on edge. And as he grew into his gangly teenage limbs and worked his way to the top of Callahan Enterprises at record speed, it only got worse.
I’m sure it’s not helped by the fact that he’s hands down the most attractive male specimen I’ve ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes on.
Pretty he may be, but it will never, ever be enough to cover up the arrogant man who hides beneath the polished facade.
“Well,” he starts, his deep, rumbling voice filling the air around me and commanding the attention of everyone in the room—even his father and Richard, who are his seniors in every sense. “I guess it’s a good thing that I was invited, then.”
He moves closer to me, his eyes finally dropping from mine in favor of my body.
One of his perfectly shaped brows lifts as he takes in my outfit of choice.
“At least I dressed appropriately for the occasion,” he sneers before marching forward and stealing my chair.
Fire rages within me, my mouth opening and closing as numerous cutting retorts dance on the tip of my tongue, the lingering scent of his cologne wafting through my nose.
How dare he?
How fucking dare he stroll in here like his presence is required and then have the audacity to insult me?
He has no idea what the past five days have been like for me.
He has no idea that I spent all morning at the office, working with Judith, my father’s personal assistant, to finalize arrangements for the funeral next week. Or that I’m on my period and all I really want to do right now is curl up in the fetal position with an IV of milk chocolate being pumped into me.
“Judgmental asshole,” I mutter, unable to keep the insult to myself.
Is it the time or the place to ensure the jerk knows exactly what I think about him? No. Not at all. But I don’t give a shit.
The days of me being reprimanded in this room are over. It’s no longer a place where I bow down to men who think they’re more important just because of the appendage hanging between their thighs.
“Okay, shall we get started?” Richard asks, clapping his hands together to ensure he steals everyone’s attention.
“Is he actually meant to be here?” I ask, throwing my arm out in Kingston’s direction, although I don’t look at him. Asshole doesn’t deserve it.
“Tate,” Miles hisses. He’s no stranger to our bickering. Usually, he lets us run out of steam, but apparently today is different.
“What? He isn’t a part of this family.”
“Nor is Michael, but you didn’t complain about him being here.”
“That’s different,” I argue, turning to the man in question. “Michael isn’t--”