Page 300 of By His Vow
A sob erupts. I hate how lost my big brother looks.
I want to be there for him. I do. But I can’t. It’s not my place.
Although, what I just said is true. I have no idea where my place actually is.
I thought it was here. But something is missing.
Miles yawns and guilt rushes through me that I’m stopping him from sleeping when he so clearly needs it.
“I should let you go.”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t need to be at the office for a few hours.”
“Then you need to sleep. I’ll call you again at a more sensible time.”
He stares at me.
“I promise. I might not be there, but I’m still here, Miles. If you need me, no matter what it’s for, I’m here.” The words fall a little flat considering that I ran from him only two weeks ago with no warning or any way to really contact me, but I lay them out regardless.
“I know. I love you, T.”
“I love you too, big brother.”
“I’ll see you soon, yeah?” he says with more hope glittering in his eyes than I think he should have.
Can I go back to Chicago anytime soon? I’m not sure.
But then, do I want to stay here? No, I’m not certain I want that either.
The cottage has already been sold.
I did this. I made my bed, and now I have to lie in it.
The second we hang up, coldness rushes through me quickly followed by a wave of homesickness so strong, I think for a second that I might actually vomit.
Abandoning my tablet, I push to my feet and walk into the cottage with my now cold cup of tea.
After using the bathroom and giving myself a talking-to in an attempt to get my head straight, I make myself a fresh drink and head back outside. I’m halfway to the swing seat when I stop dead on the spot.
In the middle of the small outside table is a massive bunch of flowers.
No. Not just flowers.
The exact same ones that were in my wedding bouquet.
Oh my god.
He came.
Itold myself that I’d give her two weeks.
The arrival of the divorce papers didn’t change that. Nor did my father’s words. Although they did confirm what I already knew.
I had the flights booked. I had a plan. The only thing I didn’t have was much confidence about how it was all going to play out.