Page 320 of By His Vow
He takes a step forward and then gasps. “Oh, holy fuck, this is?—”
“It’s got the best bathtub in the world.”
“It has carpet. In a bathroom. And…” He squints and moves closer to the wall. “Is that furry wallpaper?”
I chuckle as he strokes it, confirming that it is, in fact, furry wallpaper.
“Jesus. You’re going to get this place remodeled, right?”
Fighting to keep a straight face, I look him dead in the eyes. “No, why would I want to do that?”
He studies me, desperate to see my lie, but thankfully, every now and then, my poker face is just good enough to pull things off.
“You’re not serious, are you? I feel drunk just standing here.”
I glance at the wild pattern of both the wallpaper and the carpet. It’s…trippy.
“Oh, I don’t know. I quite like it. And Aunt Lena loved it, and I promised her that I’d never redecorate.”
“Right,” he muses, finally looking away from me and turning the faucet on. It’s a huge gold thing that fills the massive tub in only minutes.
“You said it’s mine, right? My name is on the deed?”
“Yeah,” he mutters as if he’s already regretting that decision. “Your cottage, you can do—or not do—whatever it is you like.”
“Perfect,” I say, finding some bubble bath in the cupboard and pouring it into the running water. The tub instantly fills with inviting white foam. “What are you waiting for?”
I climb in, leaving plenty of space behind me for him to join.
The second he does, I let out a contented sigh as I lean back into his chest and his arms wrap around me.
“I missed you, King,” I whisper. “Thank you for coming for me.”
His hands spread over my stomach protectively. The move makes my eyes burn. But no tears come. I’ve shed them all. Everything from here on out is going to be happy.
“That was never in question. Have you seen a doctor yet?”
I still in his arms, silently answering his question.
“Tatum,” he warns.
“I know. And I will.”
“You’re damn right you will. I will have nothing but the best for my girl and my baby.”
Tingles race through me.
I want to tease him and defy him, try to convince him that a normal doctor will do us just fine, but I don’t. Instead, I just snuggle deeper into his body and indulge in being in his arms again.
It took quite a battle of wills, but eventually, Kingston conceded, and we spent a week together at the cottage.
To my shock, by the time we emerged from the bathroom and ventured downstairs, three suitcases were sitting in the hallway, and I discovered that he’d paid someone to pack up all my things at the rental and move them here.