Page 325 of By His Vow
But she never does. Instead, she lets him tickle her behind the ear.
“What the hell?’ I whisper, not wanting to ruin the moment.
“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” Kingston says lightly. “Griz and I have come to an agreement. We’re going to be able to live together in peaceful harmony from now on.”
“Is that right?” I ask, looking between the two of them, trying to figure out what the hell kind of agreement a man and a cat can strike up.
“Yep. We’re tight now, isn’t that right, fluffpuff?”
I gawp as he reaches for her and lifts her into his arms.
He snuggles her into the crook of his elbow and roughs up her head, something she usually hates, but she…she purrs.
“You’re a cat whisperer.”
“Well, like I said before, I do have a way with pussy.” He wiggles his eyebrows in amusement.
“Oh my god,” I mutter. “I married that.”
“Till death do us part, baby. There is no way you’re getting out of those vows now. You’re mine until the end of time.”
I step closer to him, pinning Griz between us.
“Sounds awful,” I tease.
“Uh-huh. Go and get that sexy ass in bed, Tatum Callahan, and let me show you just how awful having to put up with me for the rest of your days really is.”
He swats my ass as I take off with a burst of laughter.
“You can have me if you can catch me,” I call back, suddenly feeling a little less exhausted and a lot more turned on.
“Oh, baby, there is no doubt I will always do that.”
And he does, over and over again.
Seven months later…
We sit around the conference table in Miles’s office and listen to Liam explain the growth of the company since we took over.
It’s pretty fucking epic listening, if I’m being honest, but sadly that doesn’t mean I’m fully focused.
I should be; I fucking love this shit.
But there is something else in this room I love more than knowing I’ve succeeded.
Tatum Callahan.
My beautiful wife and soon-to-be mother of our baby.
My eyes stray from Liam as they already have done a million times since she entered and sat down.
Honestly, us making her Warner Group’s Chief Marketing Officer when Charles announced his early retirement was the best thing that could have happened to this company.
Sure, Charles was great. He and his marketing department had run some unbelievably successful campaigns over the years. But times were changing, and faster than he could keep up with.