Page 75 of By His Vow
He’s arrogant, egotistical, powerful, dangerous…and not just with the way he makes me feel.
I’ve never cared to dig into anything I’ve seen in the past that appeared to be untoward, but I know that not all of our fathers’ business deals were above board. Some of our clients…well…the less I even think about it, the better.
I don’t want to know. I have never wanted to be involved any deeper in the family business than I am right now.
I have my team, a role I love. That’s all I ask for.
I have every intention of doing my job until I deem the time is right to start over in the place that truly owns my heart.
“What do you mean it isn’t on the system?” Lori shrieks from the other side of my ajar bedroom door. “I booked it. Hell, I put it in myself. I know it was there.”
“Fucking hell,” I mutter as I throw the covers off and pad toward the bathroom while she continues to rant on the other side of the door.
I freshen up before going to find out what’s going on.
I didn’t get much sleep last night. Between reliving every element of our “date” and the impending dread of what today is going to hold, I mostly just tossed and turned and watched the clock tick around. I’m feeling it now, too. My eyes are sore, my body is sluggish, and my head already pounds gently, a sure-fire sign that I’m stressed.
“Fucking assholes,” Lori mutters to herself as she paces back and forth in our living area.
She’s got her cell clutched tightly in her hand and Griz watches her with a confused expression on her face.
“What’s going on?” I ask, gently scooping Griz up and snuggling her against my chest.
When I fell asleep last night, she was cuddled up with me, but she must have gotten fed up with my restlessness and retreated to her own, much more peaceful bed. The only place I know she won’t have gone is in with Lori. That girl snores like a freight train to the point that even Griz can’t put up with it.
Griz purrs as I tickle her ears, and it instantly makes me feel better. A snuggle with my girl always helps me put things into perspective.
“My leave for today has magically disappeared. I’m meant to be in the office right now,” she explains angrily.
“Oh,” I say, my heart sinking at the thought of not having her with me today.
“I’m not going in. Obviously,” she states fiercely, rolling her eyes. “There is nowhere else I’m going to be today than by your side. Fuck them.”
“Lori, it’s your job. I know it fucking sucks, but still. You need it.”
“I don’t care. Today is too important for them to ruin.”
“It’s really not,” I mutter. I’d happily go to work today instead of the show I’m going to be forced to endure. Spending the day as Jonathan Warner’s grieving daughter is the very last thing I want to do right now.
“It is, Tate. I’m not letting you do it alone. No fucking way. They can fire me if they want. Screw them.”
“Lori,” I warn.
“I’ll get a waitressing job. Sweep the streets. I’m done with them. This is the last straw, I swear?—”
“You need to calm down. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Tate.” She sighs, stepping closer and tickling Griz’s head. “You have been there for me every single day since we met. You’ve picked me up and put me back together time and time again. But you…you’re so fucking strong, level-headed, and…stable. I’ve never been able to repay you so?—”
“I love you, Lor. But you really don’t need to?—”
“I do. Fuck work. Fuck my stupid boss. I’m spending today with you, and tonight we’re getting off-our-heads drunk. And I might just ring in sick tomorrow as well,” she announces.
She won’t; her work ethic is too strong. But I appreciate the sentiment all the same.
“Come here,” I say, holding my arm out for her to join our snuggle. She’s getting all angry and emotional, and I fear I’m already going to have to deal with enough of that today without her joining the party.
“Okay,” she says after a few seconds. “I think I’m good now. You want coffee?”