Page 13 of Devastation
That was a damn good question, he thought as he sipped his whiskey this time. It was a delaying tactic, and Jase recognised it as one.
He wondered if it was possible to kick his own ass as he gazed at the brother he owed so much to. Jase could have ended up the Hunchback. Instead, Archere, the gentlest of them, had. If Cruelty hadn’t caused severe pain in Archere, then Jase knew Archere would have thrown himself in front of Devastation, too. It was the fatal flaw the former God’s Warrior had owned. His compassion and self-sacrifice for others. Archere always put himself as a barrier to protect them all.
Jase wondered what went on under Archere’s placid expression. Archere was a thinker of their group, more prone to thinking before acting. Jase was one of the hotheads, which was why he’d been in the front line of the Jar’s protection detail. He’d react, giving those behind him a chance to organise. But his hot-headedness was his own downfall, and Jase knew he had the shortest temper among those remaining, with good reason. They’d all watched the people they loved die at the hands of the humans. But he had witnessed more than his fair share, and twice, in attempting rescues, he had been mere moments too late.
Jase shoved those memories away. They had no place on a night like tonight. Tonight, he was going to relax and shoot the shit with his brother, even though Archere seemed to have his own plan. That was okay. Jase didn’t mind. He had plenty of time for Archere.
“One day, you’ll be forced to choose,” Archere announced softly.
“I’m aware,” Jase replied.
“Do you know what you will face?” Archere asked.
“To save a so-called innocent human, or one of you. There is no contest,” Jase responded confidently.
“And if it was a human you cared about?”
“I care for none,” Jase answered, scowling.
“Then what of Emmaline?”
“That is below the belt, and she is one of us now. Hardly human, Emmaline was raised with Legends.”
“That’s your excuse?” Archere asked, chuckling.
“It is nothing but truth. Emmaline knew no different. She never got a chance to learn prejudice and hate. Emmaline has our blood in her, and therefore, she is not human,” Jase argued with a smile.
The truth was, he still considered her human, but he was in a contrary mood and would not admit that to Archere. The fact Emmaline was pregnant with a Legendary baby meant he’d lay his life down for her. It was the first child born to any Legendary Shifter. Before their fall, none of them had children and were completely dedicated to their role as God’s Warriors. After their fall they’d not been discreet nor choosey who they had relations with, but no offspring had been produced. Therefore, Emmaline was somewhat of a miracle, and this pregnancy was a learning curve for them all.
Emmaline had the entire castle jumping when she wanted something, and Jase was one of the worst. Only because Emmaline had named him Godfather, something Jase was convinced she’d done out of spite and a way to get back at him. Even so, Jase would never admit it to anyone, but he did love Emmaline. He’d never seen the dour Vladimir so damn happy. The sodding man kept smiling constantly, and Jase loved Emmaline for that alone. And now she’d mated with Vladimir, allowing Vampire to emerge briefly during their lovemaking to mate her. That was so brave of her. Not many would dare allow that creep inside them.
Jase shook his head, not noticing how Archere leaned forward. Which of his forms would be required to mate with someone? Poseidon the merman, or Poseidon the Uber merman? It was a question Jase would never have an answer to because he didn’t intend to reproduce with anyone.
“Lost in deep thoughts,” Archere murmured, grabbing Jase’s attention.
“Contemplating why Vladimir has suddenly taken a girl. Is this the start of something? Will more of us find one? You know the scary thing, Archere? Vladimir had to mate with Emmaline in his monster shape. What female will allow Swamp inside her or Dullahan, Minotaur, or Rumpelstiltskin?”
“Or your beast? It is a concern and uncertainty we aren’t sure of, Jase. In this form, I can at least pass for male. And those similar to the two Phantoms, the Invisible Man, Lilith, and Pandora, don’t have to worry. But those with a monster side? I understand their fear. Still, Emmaline was brave enough, so others may prove so,” Archere replied.
Jase snorted. In his opinion, Emmaline was a rarity; there wouldn’t be many like her—if any. He worried about his family. Would they be hurt and left behind because a human couldn’t see past their sin?
“I care not for my monster brother,” Jase said, rising to his feet, taking Archere’s glass and refilling both. He poured a more generous measure this time.
“Then what is the worry?”
“That my siblings might be heading for heartbreak, and I can’t protect them.”
“When did it become your duty to protect us? Vladimir was our captain,” Archere challenged.
“I held rank too,” Jase defended himself.
“Yes, you did. But you rarely had to lead, not until we arrived on Earth,” Archere stated. “And then you changed. You immediately assumed the role of protector and leader. It was your idea to form the council, but it was rejected at the time as we all went our separate ways. Correct me if I’m mistaken, but you were one of the few who said we should find an island and hole up there for our protection. You were seriously overruled on that plan,” Archere added.
“And if I hadn’t been, then more of us might be alive today,” Jase snapped. He spun around and handed Archere his whiskey back as he retook his seat.
“I agree. And I apologise. I was one who disagreed with you. Time sadly proved you right,” Archere replied, and Jase inclined his head.