Page 26 of Devastation
Jase’s eyes narrowed on how Frankie seemed suddenly defensive, and his gut sunk. It was related to the mating bond. Jase followed Frankie down to a high wall, and then Frankie opened a wooden gate and entered what was known as the Secret Garden. Four tall walls enclosed the garden with ivy growing up them. Nobody had seen inside it apart from Frankie and Pandora. But everyone knew nothing grew there, and it distressed Frankenstein to no end.
Today, when Jase followed through, he stopped dead. Laid out in front of him was dirt. But there were raised beds in the shapes of squares that Frankenstein had clearly tried to plant in. However, there was no sign of growth here, and Jase felt sadness enter his heart until Frankenstein turned him around, and Jase’s eyes widened.
The flower bed nearest to him held a rose with white petals inside and blood-red on the outer layers. It was stunningly beautiful, and Jase sensed the contentment coming from it. He shook his head in wonder.
“It is Vladimir’s and Emmaline’s. It grew one day without any help from me or my counterpart. As their relationship bloomed, so did their rose. The white represents Emmaline’s innocence and the red Bloodlust. Innocence has calmed Bloodlust, and Bloodlust wants to protect his host’s mate no matter what,” Frankie explained and then beckoned Jase towards a far corner.
There, another rose vine grew. It had yet to flower, but there were several buds already present. Their outer leaves were coarse green, protecting the delicate ones beneath.
“This, I believe, is yours and that one, Manfreds,” Frankie added, pointing to a rose climbing the brick walls.
“Mummy has met his mate?” Jase gasped.
“Yeah. I can communicate with them; they only speak basic, water, food, air, shade, and names. That gave me yours and Manfred’s name. But Jase, they told me your original names,” Frankie said, wide-eyed.
“What?” Jase murmured.
“Yes. Or’lan DiMitra for you and Caspious Sodan for Manfred. The plants whisper to Frankenstein, and he listens,” Frankie stated.
“They represent the mating bond?” Jase asked, but for once, he couldn’t find the anger at the thought.
“Yes, no other explanation comes to mind. I’ve tried for years to get plants to grow here. They wither and die. One day, this will be full of blooms for us and our mates. You’re lucky you found yours. Even though you deny her, you have someone who, should you stop being a raving lunatic, will cherish you forever. I crave that and don’t have it. Who knows if there is somebody who can adore Frankenstein’s Monster? I made mistakes, Jase, but I also want love,” Frankie said, touching a gentle finger to Vladimir and Emmaline’s rose.
“You think I’m being a fool and selfish?”
“Does it matter what I believe? When you make up your mind, nothing will change it, and you stick to your chosen path. You’re set on destroying the most beautiful thing in your life. A gift that’ll never be surpassed. And why? Because of Harpy. How she died was truly awful. None of us deny that. But neither Emmaline nor Willow were guilty of that crime.”
“But you managed to accept Emmaline, and yet fight Willow… why? That is the question you must ask yourself. Why battle so hard against the mate bond? It is not because she is human; I bet most of our mates will be. There are so few races left,” Frankie noted.
That was one thing Jase couldn’t argue with. The other races had faded under the human onslaught. Despite their existence, they were concealed by magic and elusive to find. Like the Legendary Shifters, the others pulled away from the threat of humanity and hid.
“You have given me much to think about,” Jase admitted.
“Good day, brother,” Frankie said, ushering Jase from his garden.
Jase masked a smile as the Secret Garden’s gate slammed shut behind him.
She hated that insufferable fish face! She had been making inroads with her guards when Poseidon had caught her and swapped them around. The great whites had been easy to handle once she’d realised they were egotistical. A lot of flattery and compliments, and they’d been putty in her hands. These jellyfish, however, didn’t respond the same way. And all they kept telling her was ‘Guard’. It was beyond frustrating.
Poseidon needed an ass-kicking, and she would love to give him one. As she contemplated his demise, a dark shadow passed over her, and she shivered as she looked up. Circling her was a humongous form. Willow tilted her head as she tried to figure out what she was seeing. It was the same size as Segory but a completely different shape.
Willow blinked her eyes because she could not be seeing what she thought she was. A long, sinuous neck, a bulky body, a serpentine tail and two wings. A dragon. Willow shook her head and then thumped herself on the forehead.
Standing on it, was a poor imitation of Poseidon’s mermonster as she’d taken to calling it.
It wasn’t as tall or muscled and didn’t have his tentacles. His skin was a motley colour of different greens, yellows, and blues, which Willow thought would work as camouflage. His complexion also appeared rough and knobbly. And below his waist, he had one huge tail or fin.
Willow wondered what to call it. She peered at him as she clocked further differences.
“Come to me,” a squelchy voice demanded.
“I can’t; I am trapped by the jellyfish,” Willow called.
Her mind worked furiously. Were these friends or foes? And a sea dragon? What the ever-living hell?