Page 33 of Devastation
“Myth and legend? The pyramids and other historical sites?” Willow gasped as she listened to Lyris.
“Yes. But those who remained in Atlantis knew they were safe. They’d long ago created an unlimited power source. Over time, evolution hit them again. They grew fins and then skins that allowed them to exist down here. Like many creatures here, the Atlanteans are unique, but their arrogance grows stronger daily. Mainly thanks to Siera’s ego and delusional thinking, they forget they only reside here with the King’s permission. He can send them back to the surface just as easily as clicking his fingers,” Lyris replied.
“He has that power?” Willow demanded.
“Poseidon is a God, is he not?” Lyris asked.
“I have no idea.” Willow chuckled. “He’s not mine.”
Lyris looked scandalised for a few seconds before letting out an amused snort. “I can only imagine how Poseidon takes that attitude.”
Willow smiled, but Atlantis caught her attention. All around, it glowed with a bioluminescence light. Whites, blues, oranges, purples, every colour seemed represented by the graceful city appearing before her eyes.
Tall, delicate towers reached upwards with a grace and elegance rarely seen on land. A palace stood at the centre of Atlantis on a hill.
Willow now understood the legend about the three circling walls of Atlantis. With an enormous arch entrance, the first set of walls stood on the cliff’s edge.
Through the arch were docks for ships or transports. Beyond them was a higher land level with the second walls, just as tall as the first. They protected the houses and shops inside them. The third set shielded the palace itself.
Each wall had a single entrance, making them easily defensible due to their height. Willow noticed a portcullis on the first wall and assumed the other two had the same, allowing them to secure the entrances.
Her eyes wandered to regulated roads which ran circularly around the island, with a direct road leading from the four points of the compass straight up the middle of them. The pathways led to the highest street before the palace, which was the shopping hub. Below were houses and then the docks.
It was a simplistic and yet highly functional design.
Willow’s eyes noted that the roads had been large enough to drag horses and carts up and down them.
The houses were beautiful, made of coral or sea stone and glass. Everything glowed with the bioluminescence, which lit the entire area for miles.
Willow was surprised at how graceful and stunning Atlantis was. She could spot marble statues and parks with beautifully laid gardens which grew flowers.
Her fingers itched to explore because nobody from the land would ever have seen underwater flowers flourishing like this.
Everywhere Willow gazed, there was something amazing and beautiful to be seen, apart from the rather tacky statues of a woman standing in front of the entrance in the first wall. Everyone who entered the city would see her.
Her visage was pretty, but the statue looked out of place and a balm to someone’s ego. On both statues, she wore a crown, and Willow assumed this was The Atlantis.
Her face held an arrogance that surpassed anything Willow had ever seen. She balanced scales in one hand, and a sword in the other. Long robes fell to a beautifully curved fin blazed with bright green enamels.
The second statue stared outward at the ocean, holding a book and quill. The other hand grasped a sceptre featuring a radiant pearl. Clearly, one statue was meant to represent justice and the other knowledge and royalty.
“Tell me that is not what I think,” Poseidon growled out as he glowered at the statue’s tails.
Lyris made a pained sound, and Willow felt it shoot through her.
“Those are scales from my people,” Lyris confirmed with an agonised cry.
“Siera, Queen of Atlantis, you have committed treason against the people of the Seas and Oceans. Your city is to surrender to me, and you’ll appear before me within the next hour to the charge of treason. Failure to appear will be seen not only as a declaration of treachery but as one of war. I summon thee to answer for crimes of enslavement, as the King of the Seas and Oceans,” Poseidon called.
Willow marvelled at how his voice carried across the water without him raising it. The ripples of water spread his word wide as they continued to swim closer. When close to the walls, Poseidon held up his hand, and everyone stopped.
“We’ll wait here. The army will attack first; those on the walls will stay. They are not allowed to leave them no matter what. Siera will send her personal guards, which I’ll neutralise, and then we will invade the city,” Poseidon said.
“Just like that?” Willow asked. She’d left Chatter now and was seated cross-legged above Segory’s eyes.
“Yes. Atlantis holds no defences against me that I cannot overwhelm. And should Siera prove difficult… well, she shall regret it. Her best option is to surrender, set the Sea Dragons free, and take her punishment,” Poseidon said.
“But you think she will fight,” Willow guessed.