Page 35 of Devastation
“The Atlantis expected such threats, and her reply is, you have no power over Atlantis anymore. She begs you to leave rather than face disgrace and defeat. The Atlantis wishes no bloodshed to be spilt and asks you to take the sea creatures with you. But the human stays. The Atlantis wants to punish her for the audacity to claim to be your mate. The Atlantis is the true one and, therefore, Queen of the Seas and Oceans,” General Rychill stated.
Poseidon extended his hand and questioned, “Really?”
Willow watched as nothing happened at first, and the mermen began to laugh at him.
Moments later, a tremble shook the water.
Willow looked around her. It hadn’t been a big tremor, and those facing them remained chuckling, but then there was a second, and Willow felt it more keenly.
Those laughing stopped and started looking, too. Their eyes widened as a light emerged from Poseidon and spread out.
A heavy weight lifted from Willow, and she frowned as sea life suddenly appeared. Whales, dolphins, sharks, eels, jellyfish, and many different fish came from the darkness.
“When I first embarked on my dive, I lessened the pressure by easing the water density and called for witnesses. They have come,” Poseidon said.
“We are here,” the sea life replied as one.
“I call you all to witness. I offer Atlantis one last chance to surrender or face charges of treason, enslavement, inciting war, and, finally, murder. Should you continue to resist, the punishment will be as agreed as when you first descended and was recorded by King Atlantis himself. I shall return those guilty to the land,” Poseidon stated.
Jeers met his words, and Willow wondered at the sheer idiocy and arrogance of those facing them.
It never crossed her mind to doubt if Poseidon had control over the issue, even though she worried her court might be injured.
General Rychill swam forward. The look on his face was apologetic. “I am sorry, Sire. These are my queen’s orders. We will not retreat or submit ourselves to your tyrannical rule any further. Leave before we are forced to take you captive and put your alleged mate on trial.”
Poseidon nodded. “You have all witnessed. Atlantis was offered surrender and chose war.”
General Rychill retook his place, in front and higher than his soldiers, and dropped a command. Arrows raced towards us, and Willow flinched slightly. Poseidon held his hand up and closed his fist.
Despite being in mermonster form, his face was remarkably placid, Willow thought as she watched. The arrows hit a hard wall of water and then fell to the seabed.
Willow’s gaze followed them with a smile. That was a hell of a handy trick, and she wanted to learn it. Another flurry of projectiles headed towards them, accompanied by yellow rays of light.
“Yellow means cause pain and incapacitate,” Lyris said with hate in his voice.
“You’ve felt them,” Willow replied, knowing instantly he had.
“I want to stab them all with cattle prods,” Willow hissed.
Poseidon turned his head. “I shall arrange that, mate.”
“Not your mate, and I’m not giving my powers up,” Willow snarled, and Poseidon laughed.
“Not the time or place for this argument,” he stated as a third barrage of arrows leapt towards them, followed by sickly green lights.
“Green means render unconscious by causing too much pain,” Lyris growled and snapped his teeth at the mermen.
“Bastards!” Willow hissed as she watched General Rychill bellow commands.
The archers started peeling off and forming behind the captured slaves of the Sea Dragons.
As they formed ranks, they fired at will.
But Willow was more interested in Poseidon’s actions. He’d raised his other hand now and was holding it palm open.
General Rychill bellowed an attack order, and the front rows of foot soldiers charged forward.