Page 59 of Devastation
“I am little friend. Are you Chatter?” she asked.
“Me famous, me, known!” the dolphin squeed.
“I’m friends with Willow,” Scylla said, and the dolphins all clacked and clicked loudly.
A large humpback whale surfaced. “I am Luna,” she said.
“Lady of the Oceans, I am Scylla. I bring news of Willow,” Scylla said.
“She is coming soon? We must see She,” Luna said.
“Yes, Willow and Poseidon will come to see everyone soon,” Scylla agreed.
“Mated now. We feel them,” Luna added, and Scylla raised her eyebrows.
“You can feel their mating?”
“Yes, and pup. Two pups,” Luna said, and Scylla reeled back.
“Willow is pregnant? With twins?” Scylla gasped.
“Yes, we sense, two pups, maybe three,” a blue whale said, appearing at her other side.
“Triplets?” Scylla asked, almost feeling faint.
Well, that would teach Vladimir to brag and taunt Jase.
“Yes, three pups. I sense now,” Chatter agreed.
“Oh dear God,” Scylla replied and wondered how much trouble Jase’s kids would get into. She didn’t doubt they wouldn’t be troublemakers.
“Fun!” one of the other dolphins clacked.
Scylla nodded even as she wondered whether to find a hidey hole for the next twenty years.
“Well, let’s not tell them. Let them discover the pups on their own,” Scylla suggested, and while puzzled, the sea life agreed.
Her mission accomplished, and her message sent. Scylla headed back towards her portal. If she had stayed around, she might have seen the lights on the horizon heading towards her.
“Jase, we need to collect The Swallow’s Nest and at least store her somewhere safe. We can’t leave her bobbing around on the ocean protected by the sea life,” Willow argued.
Jase scowled. They were having a perfectly wonderful day in bed, which Willow had now disturbed with this demand. For all he cared, The Swallow’s Nest could sink.
Willow could see his thoughts written across his face and plus… she could hear them, although she wouldn’t tell him that.
“Tomorrow,” Jase murmured, running a hand down her thigh.
“Today, Jase. Then once it’s done, we can spend a week somewhere on a honeymoon,” Willow suggested, and Jase perked up.
Willow almost smiled at his thoughts; Jase was quite happy to spend a week in bed with Willow naked.
“Fine, you can fetch it. While you do, I’ll feed Megalomania, it’s too close to the surface at the moment,” Jase said.
“That’s fine. Why don’t you join me on The Swallow’s Nest? We can hide her in a cave or somewhere and then have sex straight out for a week,” Willow teased.
Jase was out of bed and heading into the shower because she could blink. Willow choked on a laugh as his thoughts hit her very clearly. Jase was looking forward to a week of sex!