Page 61 of Devastation
“You called Poseidon?” Willow asked, sinking below the water. Her gills opened, and she breathed easily.
“Yes, he come, bring friends. Kill intruders,” Luna stated.
The roar of the approaching boats was loud, even under water, and Willow wondered who the hell was on them. Were these Hunters or the men who’d tried to kill her before?
Two of the boats pulled up tight to the Swallow’s Nest and men clambered aboard.
Minutes ticked past until she heard shouts.
“She has to be in the water. Someone was here and now they’re gone.”
“Search the water. Spread out and use the searchlights. The boss wants her dead,” another answered.
“Why not just sink the boat? She’ll be stranded here and will drown,” the first said.
“Because we thought we had her last time. And those three teams disappeared, but she appeared hale and hearty. He told us to leave nothing to chance this time.”
Well, they weren’t Hunters, which was something, Willow thought. Hunters would know she could stay deep in the ocean. So these had been sent after her by one of her targets. This was someone she’d outed, or they were frightened she’d out them.
Keeping just beneath the surface, she watched as flood lights clicked on. They’d be looking for someone bobbing on the water or a disturbance where she’d surfaced and then gone back under. But with her gills, she didn’t need that.
Everything was fine until Fish Diver surfaced to take a breath. Harpoons were aimed at him as he splashed.
“Leave him alone!” Willow screamed, breaking the surface. Her voice shocked everyone, and the lights turned in her direction.
“Come out, bitch, my boss wants a word,” someone called.
“Leave him alone!” Willow shouted again as she swam towards the nearest yacht.
“Keep a harpoon on him, boys. Should she try any tricks, shoot the dumb thing,” the man in charge shouted.
“Fish Diver, dive!” Willow ordered. Something was happening to her body. It was tingling all over, and there was a dull pain. As she got close to the boat, someone reached down and grabbed her and hauled her up. She collapsed on the deck, shivering and shaking, with no idea why. Her bones felt like they were on edge was the best way to describe the feeling, and her skin was overly sensitive.
“What’s happening?” Willow gasped.
“Get up,” a man said, kicking her.
Willow couldn’t move, and the shakes grew worse.
“Man, she don’t look right.”
“Who cares? She’s going to die, anyway.”
“Should she be that shade of green and blue?”
Green and blue?
Willow looked down at her arms and saw them changing colour. Her bones felt heavier, as if they’d doubled in weight while her skin became coarse and knobbly.
“Poseidon, you…!” Willow screamed as suddenly she shifted into a female form of Uber merman.
Tentacles whipped out from her back as she stopped shaking and the pain eased.
“What the f—are you seeing this?”
“What the hell is that?”
Willow slowly rose to her feet as she looked down at her body in astonishment. She ran a hand over her hair and made a distressed noise. Thuds impacted on her body, and she looked down and discovered bullets lying in a pile.