Page 7 of Devastation
Willow once again tried a mayday, but she remained jammed. She’d called for help when they first attacked, but nothing had responded, and she knew they were jamming her.
Willow wondered which corporation had sent the gunmen after her; it had to be somebody big. Considering her last reveal had just ruined Moel Nix and their other illegal practices were coming to light, it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume it was them.
Or maybe it was someone else who was hiding illicit dealings and was frightened that Willow would out them. Whoever it was definitely wanted her dead. They were making no bones about it.
Willow was unsure where to head once she got out of the shallows. Sure, she’d widened the distance between her and her attackers, but they would still be on her tail.
Wiping sweat from her brow, Willow glanced at the moon and prayed for a miracle.
Mary Worth/Marie.
“It’s time,” Marie muttered as she shifted into her Mary Worth side. She flinched from her visage but stared at Poseidon’s mirror. She’d been seeing glimpses of this for months, but the events were finally happening tonight.
A soft smile crossed Mary’s lips as she thought of Poseidon’s reaction to this news. She wiped it quickly as footsteps sounded on the stone stairs that led to her tower.
“You called?” Jase asked, entering the room.
Mary noted that he’d not yet shifted and was completely at ease. Well, that wouldn’t last once his Poseidon side realised tonight’s mission. Mary fought against the smile that threatened to surface.
“You’ve a tough one. There is a rescue needed from assassins at sea,” Mary said.
Jase frowned. “Isn’t that Mummy’s job?” he asked.
“Yes, and Manfred is on his way. It makes a change for a mission to be for his assassination sin; he usually deals with elder abuse,” Mary agreed.
“And you need me on this, too?” Jase pressed, looking towards his mirror.
Mary snorted. She never knew, after so many years, why her family insisted on checking their own mirrors. They never could see the images she did. Only Mary had that talent.
“Yes, you’re both needed, so shift. You’ll both go through this mirror, but Mummy will need a boost, or he’ll sink. He’s hardly able to swim, so if you could have someone ready for him, I will send him through in a few minutes,” Mary said.
Jase shot her a look before shifting.
“Give me five minutes, I’ll be waiting,” Poseidon’s merman shape replied and dived through the mirror.
Mary knew he’d change into the Uber merman form he also held. In that appearance, Poseidon was incredibly powerful. His tentacles could easily tear through a massive ship and cut it in half. Poseidon rarely used them, but there was no hope for his target if he did.
Mary grinned as Manfred walked into the room, shifting as he did so. Oh, this would be fun. Mary sent Manfred through and settled down to watch the unfolding drama.
Once out of the shallows, Willow saw she had increased her distance and was out of firing range. It didn’t mean she was safe, as they stayed tight on her tail.
The moon was high in the sky, but everywhere Willow looked was clear seas and skies. There was nothing she could hide behind and nowhere to flee.
A loud whistle made her jump, and shuffling closer to the edge of the deck, Willow saw a dolphin racing alongside.
The beautiful creature saw her looking and raced ahead, and she wished it the best and kept heading north. To Willow’s surprise, the dolphin turned towards her and came flying back, whistling and clicking loudly.
Around The Swallow’s Nest, a pod appeared, all shouting at her in their own language. Confused, Willow watched them, slowing The Swallow’s Nest as they got in front of her.
“Move!” Willow called, looking over her shoulder. The chasing yachts were slightly nearer.
Instead of moving, the dolphins crowded in closer to her. Tears formed in Willow’s eyes as a frantic glance showed her attackers were gaining on her. The shaking in her hands was so violent now it was hard to grip the wheel as she returned to it. She was so tired and beyond frightened. Terror had set in, and also, there was a resigned sense of her impending death. But there was still fight in her.
“Please move!” Willow urged. She’d no wish to harm the dolphins by ramming her boat into them, but they were about to get her killed.
A huge funnel of water shot into the sky and drenched Willow as it fell back down to earth.