Page 4 of Champion of Cards
He spared those orcs. Seems pretty thoughtful to me.
He treatsss orcsss better.
She chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” Kingsnake asked from up ahead.
“Fang told me you’re nicer to orcs than the women who were here before me.”
Kingsnake smirked slightly. “The sun is approaching its peak. We should make camp.”
I miss the sun.
I’m sssorry. Kingsnake used to struggle with the absence more than he did now. I knew it would take Larisa a long time to accept the darkness.
We made camp under the trees. Since it was warm, I slithered up one of the trees and found a patch of sunlight to warm my scales. They were far beneath me, twenty feet to the ground in their little cot with their swords on the ground beside them. They snuggled close despite the heat and went to sleep.
I watched them for a while before my eyes closed, and I drifted off.
* * *
We passed Raventower and the other Kingdoms and approached his father’s domain. The city had been rebuilt since the battle against the werewolves, the one that had nearly claimed Kingsnake’s life. Human kingdoms were much different from vampire ones. Everything was made out of gray stone, and they were expansive, accommodating tens of thousands of people versus a few thousand in Grayson.
It was different now that King Serpentine was in charge. The flags along the wall had been replaced by banners of the Golden Serpent. The guards had been replaced by vampires, all bearing the armor of Crescent Falls. Humans completed their errands in the market, but there was a constant oppression in the air.
Wrapped around Kingsnake’s shoulders, I could see the world as he saw it, see it from a height that I could only reach in length on the ground. People stared at me as we passed, admiring the color of my scales and the sharpness of my fangs.
Damn, I’m gorgeoussss.
“They don’t think you’re gorgeous,” Kingsnake said. “They’re afraid of you.”
Real beauty can be terrifying.
Kingsnake chuckled then took Larisa’s hand, walking hand in hand with her as they approached the castle. All the rubble had been cleared away. The fire damage had been repaired.
We took the steps to the castle, checked in with the guard who recognized Kingsnake, and then we entered the castle. The chandelier was bright with light, and the thick stone kept the heat outside, so it was cool and comfortable. We were escorted upstairs into the throne room, where King Serpentine waited.
One look at him made all the muscles inside my body coil in protest. Sssnake killer.
Kingsnake addressed me. You don’t have to say that every time we see him.
Yesss, I do.
“Son.” King Serpentine rose from his throne and approached Kingsnake, treating him more warmly than he had in recent decades. “What a wonderful surprise.” He embraced Kingsnake with a quick hug. Larisa received a polite nod in acknowledgment. She would always be beneath him since she used to be human…even though they all used to be human. “What brings you to my kingdom?”
“A favor,” Kingsnake said.
“What favor is that?” King Serpentine asked. “Peace reigns in our world. Can’t imagine anything more you would want.”
“It’s a small favor,” Kingsnake said. “Fang wants to compete in the Champion of Cards tournament, but I guess they’re pretty strict on their humans-only policy. Could you make an exception for him?”
His eyes shifted to me.
It took all my strength not to hiss.