Page 35 of The Broken Prince
When he called me baby, I felt myself turn to mush. “You said you would return to your lands…”
“And I will.” His gaze hardened. “But not until this is done.”
I felt the sting of disappointment, but it was muffled by his dedication and sacrifice, the way he stood beside me when everything else fell apart. Whatever this was wouldn’t last forever, but I would appreciate every second of it. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you before… I said some shitty things.”
“And I deserved every one of those shitty things. Don’t apologize.”
“No, you didn’t,” I whispered. “And I’m sorry for allowing my father—”
“I feel no resentment toward him. He’s a good father.”
My eyes closed, missing him more than I ever had. “He’s the best…” I felt the tears burn behind my eyes, felt the heat sear the backs of my eyelids. “I wish he were here right now. I’m so grateful you’re here because I couldn’t do this alone.” I said it out loud, admitted my weakness when no one should ever hear such a confession from a queen. “I don’t have what it takes to do this. My father made a poor choice.”
I felt his fingers move underneath my chin to force my gaze to meet his. Tears streaked down my cheeks.
“You could have fled on that dragon and abandoned your mother, but you stayed. Even though you felt helpless, you stayed. You did whatever you could to help, threw rocks at monsters, fired your arrows. Maybe it didn’t win the battle, but you had the courage to stay, and that’s what makes you the right choice.”
My eyes dropped.
He tugged on my chin again. “Look at me when I speak to you.”
My skin prickled with bumps.
“You were quick on your feet and used a dragon to drop boulders on the enemy. You took out batches of fifty of them at a time, saving the lives of the men who fought for you. You stayed.”
My heart raced at his intensity, at the way he stared at me, the way he spoke to me.
“I fought for you because I care for you. Because you made me care even when I tried so fucking hard not to. You’re the reason Delacroix still stands this very moment—and no one else. I know how proud your father will be when he sees what you’ve done.”
* * *
I sent the letter to HeartHolme before I exited the castle, dressed in my uniform and armor, unsettled by the way the guards and soldiers addressed me as Queen Rolfe…a name my mother had had my entire life.
Aurelias was there, taller than all the guards, so handsome he looked fake.
“I leave you in charge of Delacroix until my return.” I was handing the keys to the kingdom to someone who wasn’t even human, but I knew there were no better hands to hold them. “Unless Atticus wakes up…and I hope he does.”
Aurelias gave a slight nod.
“I know I shouldn’t leave right now, but—”
“Go to your mother,” he said. “I will protect everything you hold dear.”
“Thank you.”
He gave another slight nod.
Blade squatted down so it would be easier to climb up the metal plates of his armor. I dropped into the saddle and gripped the reins, ropes that were attached to the armor, not for steering like a horse, but just to have something to hold on to as the dragon made unexpected dives and dodges. My legs were strapped in, just in case the dragon had to invert to avoid a cannon, and I wouldn’t fall off. Now that war had marched on my doorstep, I realized my father was right to be prepared for everything…always.
Blade launched to the sky, and in just a second or two, Delacroix was a speck on the ground. The details of the cobblestones and the wooden beams of the structures were no longer visible. The warm air rushed past me and made my hair fly back as we made our way to Minora, the closest kingdom and the one that Pyre could reach the quickest. By dragon, it was a short flight, half an hour at the most, but for my mother, who had been unable to breathe, it had probably felt like a lifetime.
Pyre was visible from the sky, and Blade did a dive once he was near, knowing I loved the thrill. He pulled up just before the ground, swooping up and slowly lowering himself to the ground until his heavy body landed with a distinct thud.
“Thanks for the ride.” I unstrapped myself and dropped down, giving him and Pyre a quick rub before I approached the kingdom. They were ready for battle, ready for what happened to Delacroix to come to them next, and they swung the gates open at my entry.
I entered the town and headed to the castle in the distance, walking fast down the main path that went straight through the buildings and served as the primary thoroughfare between the shops and homes.
I approached the castle a moment later, and Steward John was there to greet me. “Your Highness, how does Delacroix fare?”