Page 45 of The Broken Prince
I expected to end up on my back in the corner of the couch like last time, but my feet left the floor as he scooped me into his arms and brought me to his chest. I was heavier in my armor and uniform, but he still carried me like I weighed no more than a pile of feathers.
He took me upstairs, to a part of the cottage I’d never been to, and then I was placed on the unmade bed, where he slept every night. He removed one boot and then the other before he unlocked the pieces of my armor, taking them apart like he knew exactly how they worked even though he was a stranger in this world. When he was down to the clothes, he rushed to get those off as well, pulling off my pants and my underwear at the same time, exposing my wet sex for him to take.
I propped myself on my elbows and watched him undress himself, watched him work every single piece of his armor to loosen it and expose his clothing underneath. It was a strip show, all the powerful pieces dropping away to reveal the powerful man underneath. His sword was placed against the foot of the bed. His daggers on the floor in their sheathes. He removed his tunic and bared all the hard muscles that I longed to touch, his chest that was as hard as the steel plate he wore to protect it, the abs that looked like rivers between mountains.
I wanted to come at the sight of him.
He paused before he removed his bottoms, watching me stare in anticipation, eager to see what I’d already seen before. He loosened the drawstring then dropped his bottoms, revealing the hard cock whose acquaintance I’d already made in several ways.
I couldn’t believe it was finally happening. Those lonely nights with my fingers were about to be replaced by the real thing, the man who made all other men obsolete.
His arm curled around the small of my back, and he scooted me up, bringing my head to his pillow.
My hands finally got to touch him, to palm his hard core, to feel the strength of his muscular arms and shoulders. I was already breathless, so anxious to feel him in every way imaginable.
He slipped between my thighs and widened my legs, his arms hooking behind my knees to fold me underneath him. My hands were on his chest, fingers pressing deep into the muscles that turned me on like crazy. I breathed harder and harder, anxious to feel him fill me to complete satisfaction.
He released a knee to guide himself to my glistening sex, and he moaned the second he felt my arousal soak his tip. He pushed inside, gliding through my slickness, and then returned his arm to my knee as he inserted himself as far as he could go.
“Oh fuck…” My head rolled back because it was better than I remembered, the best dick I’d ever had. My eyes watered without a climax, just because I longed for this every time I looked at him. “Aurelias…” One hand snaked up his neck, and I cupped his cheek, reunited with the man who could make my spine shudder.
He started to thrust, his lips above mine, his core tight as he engaged his entire body to push inside me over and over.
I panted as I enjoyed it, feeling the climax in the distance. The burn had been between my legs anytime I looked at him, and now that I finally had him, my body was engulfed with flames. He didn’t have to do anything to make me come. He could stay completely motionless, and I would still come around his dick.
He gave a moan against my lips. “Baby…”
My nails sliced into his skin. “I love being your baby.”
He started to move faster, his dick a little harder, like that turned him on. “Fuck.” His eyes looked into mine, dark with restraint, doing the best he could to finish last.
“I’m about to come…”
He rocked harder, grinding his hips hard against my clit.
“Yes….” I gripped him as the fire burned, as it numbed every sensation in my body to heighten the pleasure. My lips felt his in a partial kiss before the moans started, before my hips bucked on their own, before the tears started to squeeze past my closed eyelids. “Aurelias.”
He moved faster now, fucking me hard enough to tap his headboard against the wall.
I finished, stars in my eyes, my hands on his hard body. “Slow down…” I grabbed his ass and set the pace, making him slide through me nice and slow. “Feel how wet you make your baby…”
He closed his eyes and groaned against me, his breathing deep and labored, his skin blotched with redness from his arousal.
“Come inside me.” I spoke into his ear, my hand deep in his hair. “Then make me come again…”
Another groan came from his closed lips as he continued his slow thrusts. His breaths turned shaky as his dick hardened inside me. Then he inhaled a deep breath as he released, moaning like a hungry bear, dumping all his seed inside me with forceful pumps.
“Yes…” I whispered in his ear as he came, feeling the weight of his release. “I love feeling you inside me.”
When he finished, his eyes moved to mine, more intense than they’d ever been. His dick remained hard inside me, like that was the warm-up we both needed after an eternity of abstinence. He released my knees so my thighs could grip his torso, my ankles locked together against the top of his ass.
He fucked me hard, fucked me until the headboard marked the wall, fucked me until I screamed his name. “Aurelias!”
* * *
I’d fallen asleep.
When I opened my eyes, the sheets were to my shoulders, and white candles brought the room a faint glow. Aurelias was beside me, glorious in his nakedness, the sheets bunched at his waist. His eyes were open and focused on the ceiling, his hand resting on his hard stomach.